Chapter Nineteen: Recovery

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They won the war and Dragon Island now belongs to its rightful owners.

It takes a few months for everyone's things to be brought back to the kingdom with having to lock up All For Ones followers and mourn the losses they had that night they had to push back moving in.

Izuku and Katsuki are still on the long road of recovery and are still feral. The colour is coming back to Izuku's scales after being in a Drop and their eyes become more clear everyday. Eijiro and Shoto couldn't be more prouder with how well the two are doing.

The ferals help as much as they can with moving stuff. The shear size of their large forms makes it lightweight work for them when carrying literal tons of weight. As well as dismantleing the bridge between the main land and their island. They're just happy to help even if their brains don't quite understand why.

Settling in was a bit strange for the more coherent Princes. The huge halls, luxurious rooms and prim designs all seemed a bit much for them. Of course this didn't faze the other two they already know these halls and corridors and will often chase eachother down them in a fun game of tag.

They often dissapear for long periods of times then come back as if nothing had happened. Eijiro and Shoto decided to follow them one day and find the two but they wished they didn't follow them.

They find to two in their old cell wrapped up on top of one another and the smallest, most pathetic nest they've ever seen and yet both Izuku and Katsuki were happily snuggled up in it, purring and letting out happy pheromones.

"So this is where you two have been sneaking off to," Eijiro states as he goes to take a step forward and into the cell. However he quickly stops dead in his tracks when the two growl at him. Their shock only begins to surface when it's then skyrocketed by what comes next "Ssrrr- safffe sp-spaccsssse," Izuku speaks though it is in Draconian and completely broken but still he said something! "Donnn'ttsss ea-ent-terrrrr," Katsuki follows on to say though it flows into more of a growl at the end.

The two instantly start crying. They talked, they both actaully spoke!

They crumble to their knees, hugging eachother tightly as their tears continue to spill from their eyes. That was it that was their first real step at recovery, their first real sign that they're healing, slowly but still healing.

They didn't talk again until two months later when they pranced up to their mates in the main hall where they were first rescued. The hole in the wall Eijiro made long sense been patched up. The red and white haired Princes were busy dealing with the needs of their Kingdom, a line of dragons and mythical creatures alike running down the middle having requests for their Princes.

The ferals completely ignore them all and go straight up to the two to drop a large bear each at the bottom of their thrones before happily exclaiming "Happy Birrrthsday!" In near perfect Draconian. They'd been practicing for the last month so they could say it right and their mates could be proud of them.

Eijiro and Shoto look bewildered for a second before it clicks it is their birthday which also means it's Izuku's and Katsuki's birthdays as well. How could they forget?! It's not like all their birthdays are on different days or anything. This means it's also been a year since they first shifted and all this happened. One crazy year it has been.

A few in the hall are also surprised at the news. The kingdom always celebrated this date as it marked the day their home and future was taken from them. A few gasps echo throughout the room before the dragons are all apologizing profoundly for forgetting such a date and they all instantly leave the room to let the Princes have the rest of the day off.

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