Chapter Fifteen: The Winter

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With how eventful spring was for the four with them finding their mates and suddently sprouting wings and a tail they lost track of the time. When Izuku and Katsuki were rescued and brought home it was nearing the start of October.

Their bodies seemed to know something was coming up as the day drew darker and the weather colder and harsher. They were hunting a lot more and eventually realised they were stockpiling their food. They would go hunting two at a time while the other two ran the Kingdom. The reason they went in pairs was because they found themselves becoming cold and stiff quickly when exposed to that type of weather for too long. Shared body heat helped.

Katsuki and Izuku have been slowly putting on weight. They've gotten to the point they don't look sickly and have a small amount muscle under their skin but no where near to how they were before. Which is why Izuku was very confused when he woke up one morning to find a little pouch of fat on his belly. "Huh?" He mutters out loud.

He looks around and notices that Katsuki and Shoto are still out on a morning hunt. He knew they went out when his instincts flaired up early in the morning. It put Izuku in a half awake half asleep state. He only went back to sleep after Katsuki gave his head a gentle rub.

Izuku is currently in the little spoon position with Eijiro being his big spoon. Slowly he turns around to face the red heads broad chest and looks down. Sure enough Eijiro too has a little pouch of fat nestled snugly on his stomach. Not wanting to wake the other up, Izuku waits it out.

Around half an hour later Eijiro stirs before awakening. He slowly blinks his eyes open to see a mop of green fluffy hair just below his nose. He snuggles into it and takes a deep breath of that refreshing scent "Morning," he hears Izuku say "Morrrnin," his words are a bit slurred from just waking up. "Are the other two out?" Eijiro asks after waking himself up a bit.

"Yeah. I think all this extra food and Kacchan's amazing cooking is starting to catch up on us," with Izuku's words being to vague it causes Eijiro to tilt his head to the side "What do you mean," he gets answered by a gentle squeeze on his stomach. It feels; off, so he looks down. "Oh," is all he manages to get out over the internal freak out he's having.

He cusiously pokes his tummy thinking he's imagining it being there. He notices though that Izuku also has his own little tummy. It's like they've eaten too much and have a food baby but they know they haven't been eating too much so what's the cause?

"Maybe we should ask if Mr Aizawa or Mr Yagi know anything about this," the red head suggests. Izuku rubs his head against the others stomach, much to Eijiro's embarrassment, one more time before pulling away. Izuku already loves how soft it makes his mate look, he can't wait to see the other two. "I think that's a good idea," he eventually replies.

The two alphas proceed to get up, lightly scent eachother then head down towards Aizawa's tent. On their way though they bump into a Kaminari "Watch out!" He yells as he comes shooting out of a tunnel. Izuku's instincts already warned him of the incoming danger so he easily flew out of the way in time, Eijiro on the other hand. "Woah!" Is all he gets out before Kaminari bangs into him head first.

Both being knocked off their flight patten causes them to start free falling no matter how they beat their wings. Izuku swoops down, wraps an arm around Eijiro's waist and harshly grabs Kaminari's leg. Spreading his wings as much as he can he feels the wind fill them and slow their decent.

Once on the ground Kaminari robustly apologies knowing he's already been given a few warnings about this. "C'mon man give us something to work with here. We've given you so many warnings," Eijiro let's out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose "I'm sorry but you leave me no choice. Kaminari by order of Prince Kirishima you are forbidden to fly in this cave for the next month. If you are caught flying there will be a much more sever punishment."

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