Chapter Twenty-Two: Only One

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The Kings stayed in the underground nest for a whole month, none left, and only allowed those close to them inside. Anyone else who attempted to enter were thrown out by three protective dragons. The young Prince was named Sachiko, their little miracle, and he basks in all the attention his parents give him.

Turns out Shoto had wrapped his egg up inside his tails when the humans came (which were never caught). The little Prince hatched pre maturely and crawled under his dam's wing for the heat. As a result of the premature hatching, he's a little small but healthy as Recovery Girl had said.

The three who lost their pups have continuous nightmares of their babies crying out for them or them frozen in place as they watch the faceless humans smash their eggs. Not all of their dreams are nightmares however some of them are ones where their kids are here with them and when they wake up that's when the real nightmare starts.

Eijiro wakes up in a frenzy searching everywhere for something. His frantic movements wake the others up "Where is she?!" His voice comes out desperate sounding as tears start to gather at the bottom of his eyes. "Who are you looking for?" Izuku softly asks though he already knows the answer.

"My baby! She was right here! I- I was playing with her," he tries to growl but all that comes out is a soft whimper before sobs start. "Shoto go take Sachiko out on a flight okay? We'll let you know when Eijiro's calmed down," Izuku is already wrapped around Eijiro's body when Katsuki turns back around.

"Shh Ei breathe. One big breath in, hold then back out. Follow me," Shoto's heart breaks for his mates as he leaves the horde with Sachiko. The little dragon can smell the distress coming from his sires, he chirps at his dam not wanting to leave. Shoto places his tails around the back of his little bum to help nudge him forward.

He fusses and whines trying to wiggle his way between Shoto's two tails. By this point Izuku and Katsuki have managed to calm Eijiro down the best they can. Like snakes their heads all pop up and turn towards the whining hatchling. Before they can even think about stopping him Eijiro is pushing the other two off him and running toward Shoto.

Shotos instincts kick into hyperdrive, he pushes Sachiko behind him with his tails and spreads out his wings hissing loudly at the red dragon. Realizing what his attentions look like Eijiro skids to a halt and drops his body down to the ground, baring his neck.

Though rare it has been known for jealous Omegas to try and harm or even kill hatchlings. It is shamed and the Omega is banished from the Kingdom.

This, however, wasn't Eijiro's intention, he just wants to see the hatchling, to see him breathing and well. Knowing that one of their hatchlings is alright. Izuku and Katsuki stand in the back, watching, waiting but even they can feel their instincts pulling at them to check on Sachiko. Izuku walks up to Shoto, slow and steady "Easy Sho. No one's going to hurt your pup," He lets out a soft purr and pushes his scent out, Katsuki and Eijiro quickly following after.

They can see the moment Shoto comes back to himself, his wings drop back down and his lips drop down from the snarl they were in "S-sorry, I thought, I thought," Izuku puts his head under Shotos jaw "It's alright Sho you were just protecting our pup. You did the right thing," Shoto nuzzles back.

Sachiko finally squeezes himself away from Shotos tails and trots up to Eijiro, his wings flapping happily before suddenly he lifts off the ground. Flapping his wings as hard as he can he lands on top of Eijiros snout. "Oh my god you flew! Guys Sachiko just flew!" Not being able to smell any bad scents in the air anymore Sachiko starts to make happy chirps and purrs.

All of them crowd around Eijiro and Sachiko, Izuku puts his tail out, spreading the fins on the end of his tail out to make a platform. "Fly, you can do it, Sachiko. Fly to Papa," he brings out his two wings and starts to flap them with as much force as he can. Using Eijiro's snout like a diving board he jumps off. It takes a second, Izuku automatically rising up his tail to catch him before Sachiko starts to actually fly.

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