Chapter Twenty-Three: The Past

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Time is a strange thing. It never listens to your command, passing quicker and slower when you don't want it to. For beings that live as long as dragons do time becomes a strange concept. They can only really root themselves with the thought of time with the changing seasons and when special occasions arise such as Sachiko's presentation.

On the day of his thirteenth birthday, Sachiko's milky scent that all pups have disappeared and his true scent bursts forth. Wild roses, grass and honey come from his scent glands that's distinctively Omegan. All of their inner Omegas are over the moon at his presentation. All four of them stayed in their Omegan's bodies for the whole day in their nest just scenting and purring at their pup.

Sachiko doesn't mind being a Prime Omega. Sure his parents don't feel completely comfortable in their Omegan bodies but they've never treated Omega's differently like a lot of Alphas do. They treat Omega's with respect like everyone should. With him being a Prime commands and scents won't affect him as much as a normal Omega unless it's his true mate.

When his first heat comes during Mating Season the Kings are surprised that their ruts and heats don't come. This allows them to be fully there for their pup. Since it's only his first one he doesn't want anything but comfort from his parents. They keep him comfortable and let him feel safe around them.

He lets out a whine as another cramp hits him "H-hurts Daddy," another whine leaves him. Shoto heats his hand before placing it on Sachiko's lower stomach. "We know hun. Just hang on, the first week is always the worst. It'll be calmer for the rest of the month okay?" Izuku says going to lie down next to Sachiko to jump back at the claw swinging towards him.

"Can't believe I have to go through this shit every year for the rest of my life!" A growl leaves him. As his scent turns sour "Oi none of that language you little shit!" Katsuki curses pointing a finger at him. Sachiko snaps his teeth at the blond's finger, and Katsuki moves it away just in time. "You can't say anything, you've got the biggest potty mouth out of us all! You should watch what you're saying or don't say anything at all!"

That takes Katsuki by surprise, his eyes widen as he takes a step back. His inner Omega whines out "Pup annoyed with us. Done something bad," opening his mouth to speak he finds nothing comes out and nothing will come out. "Sachiko!" Shoto yells pissed off "I know you're in pain and you're hormones are going nuts but that doesn't mean you can say things like that to any of us," Izuku looks over at Katsuki and notices the slight trembling in his hands and how his tail is slowly curling under him.

"Ei can we swap?" Seeing what's happening Eijiro scents Katsuki lightly with his wrist gland before quickly switching places with Izuku. With his fist closed and thumb tucked in slightly but not all the way to make a first, with his palm facing him Katsuki brings it to his lips signing that he's mute. Izuku understands right away "That's okay Kacchan. Wanna go for a walk?" Katsuki looks over at Sachiko with a soft whine.

"Sho and Ei will be here to look after him. He'll be fine Kacchan now let's look after you," with a weak nod the two leave the room.

Once the doors are closed both Shoto and Eijiro look down at Sachiko with pointed looks. "What?" He asks "Oh you know exactly what," Eijiro says. With a defeated sigh Sachiko looks down at his lap "Okay okay I shouldn't have said that to Dada. I'm sorry," Shoto shakes his head at his pup "It's not us you have to say sorry to. I'm disappointed in you Sachiko, I thought you would have known better but I guess not."

Now that makes Sachiko's shoulders slump down. "Hurt Dada," he hears his inner Omega whine. He jumps slightly, still not used to the voice in his head. But then there's suddenly another voice pushing through "Not our fault. They don't tell us what happened," it's so angry sounding that it makes Sachiko growl. That's when he realises that was his inner Alpha talking.

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