Chapter Sixteen: Preparation

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A few months go by and everyone falls back into the swing of things. The Kingdoms dragons are beginning to grow excited for the incoming breeding season. Not the four Princes though and for good reasons. None of them know how omegan they'll act, will they go into heat instead of rut? As well as this none of them have ever shared their rut with anyone before, they usually lock themselves in their rooms for the month.

Yeah unlike humans who have their cycle monthly for a week dragons have it once a year but it lasts a whole month. They call it breeding season.

Izuku though is bricking it. When their sweet, shy, timid Izuku told them he becomes extremely aggressive during his rut none of his mates believed him even after he told them he nearly bit his 'mum's' hand off because she tried to give him some water during his rut.

Still none of them took heed of Izuku's warning thinking he was simply over exaggerating that was until they noticed how the greenette started to become ill tempered and hot headed.

They all started to believe him when Izuku suddently snapped.

It was over a simple thing. A dragon bumped into him, now this wasn't enough to set him off it was close but not quite enough. It was the fact that this one dragon just so happend to be the female omega who had claimed Katsuki unwillingly. His Kacchan.

He growled low, dangerously, at her, getting the wiff of that too sweet scent Katsuki had on him that night. The omega after she bumped into Izuku, making him knock what he was holding out of his hand, has the audacity to keep walking without saying a word. Izuku's inner alpha demanded recognition, chanting in his head 'Try take our mate then ignore us?! A prime!? Worthless omega, waste of space, get rid of. Kill, kill, kill, kill!'

Izuku too close to his rut to fight off his inner alpha causes his control to slip. With Izuku himself being angry spurs on the chaos about to ensure.

The other three know something happened when they feel Izuku's bond sizzle.

A high pitched agonising scream makes them run in that direction. Nothing could of prepared them for the sight they're about to witness. There hunched over a body is Izuku with the girls arm in his hand; completely severed from the body. He throws it away for it to land with a small thump.

Izuku proceeds to grip her horns and with the help of OFA snaps them off. The omega withers and cries out in pain as Izuku continues his attack.

The pheromones he's producing is keeping the croud forming at bay. Since his pheromones are basically screaming back the fuck off.

He flips her onto her stomach then continues to grip one of her small wings, he doesn't even know how she flies with these, in his mouth. His protruding fangs allow for a more solid grip. With a quick turn of his head a snap echos around the area before he pulls. He spits the now limp appendage to the ground next to them.

"Don't deserve to be a dragon. Ignorant, self centered Omega. I will put you out of your misery and strip you of your dragon!" Izuku's voice comes out far deeper than it normally is. They hear him giggle lightly to himself before surging forward and tearing the girls other wing off.

They snap out of the trance they were in and all move together as one unit without even uttering a word to the other.

Izuku's mates each grip a part of him and yank him away from the body. She's still alive; barely.

Izuku thrashes in their hold, commanding them to let him go, that he's not done yet. "Izuku you need to calm down, it's just your rut getting to you," Shoto informs him. Izuku doesn't listen. His tail slams into them like a steal beam with his wings flutter to try and get their grip to loosen.

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