Chapter Nine: Old Faces

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Another week has passed and three out of the four Princes have been working extremely hard to take control over their new instincts and inner dynamics. Plenty of others offered to get the ingredients Uraraka needed but they declined everyone. They had to do this, Eijiro is their mate. Eijiro himself has been inside the tent the whole week and hasn't gotten any better. They all smother him at any chance they can get.

Aizawa and Toshinori wouldn't allow the others to leave unless they knew they all had full control.

So here they are, about to do their final test, one that will test both secondary genders. The first one is to change to their full dragons without any sort of suppressing collars. The second is willingly change to their omegan bodies without their omega helping or taking over.

They have to have a clear goal in mind when changing to their full dragons. The three remove their collars and reach a hand back, brushing it over the scales on the base of their necks. Three puffs of smoke come from them before three dragons are towering over Aizawa and Toshinori. They all sit down and look down at their teachers.

"You all in control?" Aizawa asks, they nod their heads. "Say your names," this is the real test if they aren't one hundred percent in control they won't be able to speak. Their voices come out a lot lower and gruffer but they successfully say their names. Eijiro watches from afar his chest swelling in pride for the three.

He hates being sick. He wants to be standing there with them not watching form the side lines.

They change back and move on to testing their omegas. Since their alphas are their more dominant they don't have much trouble with their inner omegas. They have to force their alpha side back to allow the omegan side to shine through. Their bodies change to their omegan ones as well as their scents.

None of them like to be in their omegan bodies it's uncomfortable to them. They all feels self-conscious about their hips, thighs and ass. "We done? Can I change back now?" Bakugo asks being unpatienct, crossing his arms over his chest and tapping his foot. "Yes, you've all passed," they all change back instantly.

Now that they can all leave the cave they set their plan into action. Shoto goes to get their supplies, Katsuki fetches Kaminari and Izuku comes over to where Eijiro was watching them. "Hey man. I'm so proud of all of you," Eijiro gets up on his wobbly legs as Izuku approaches.

He activates One For All when he notices Eijiro stagger and dashes forward to catch him. "Sorry," he embarrassly mumbles. Izuku shakes his head "Don't be. It's not your fault," he processeds to lift the red head bridal style and takes him to their tent. "Nest or sofa?" He asks deactivating One For All. "Sofa."

In the main entrance to their tent there's a large sofa with a coffee table and a few book shelves.

He gently places Eijiro before joining him on the soft seat. "You excited?" Izuku asks resting his head on the others shoulder "Very. I can't wait to be able to do things myself again, I hate being so useless," Izuku rubs his thigh. "You're not useless and before you say it you're not a burden either. We all like taking care of you mates or not."

Just then Katsuki enters the tent with Kaminari in tow. The three had asked Denki to look after Eijiro when they first agreed on the plan. Since he's a beta they know his scent won't bother Eijiro. Kaminari is surprisingly a lot wiser than he looks, sure he looks and even acts their age but once dragons hit eighteen their ageing starts to slow down. Kaminari is actually over a hundred years old. Plus the two get along great.

"Kaminari? What are you doing here?" Eijiro looks confused "I'm your babysitter," he exclaims excitedly. Eijiro gives his two mates a glare. Izuku looks away with a sheepish grin while Katsuki crosses his arms and glares back "He's here to keep an eye on you and keep you some company," Eijiro let's out a sigh "Well when you put it like that it doesn't sound as bad."

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