[8] norris x sainz

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My first oneshot ever! Yeyy!  This one is for @OsByLynn

It is a bit too short but I will work on my writing skills so I can bring you some longer ones.

I hope you like it!

 8) [You look so hot today]

The british boy let a giggle out of his mouth when his boyfriend stroked through his messy hair. They were together in a relatoinship since more then two years now and they both were happy and trusted eachother.

' Lando?' the spanish man asked while he got his fingers out of the younger one's hair.
'Te quiero pequeño'
Lando loved when Carlos talked to him in Spanish. He didn't really understand everything what the older one said but enjoyed every little word.
'Yo tambien te quiero mi amor' he said to his boyfriend and cuddled to him. Carlos laid one arm over his waist and kisses him softy.
Carlos loved to kiss Lando. The young british boy maybe looked innocent but when they kissed or did some sexual things, it turned out he's pretty wild and passionate. Of course Carlos had the dominance in the relationship but Lando was sometimes quite dominant too.

It was like a perfect relationship. The love they felt towards eachother was incredible. There was an unvisible bond between them that connected them.
And then there was no word about sex. The feeling was out of this world. It got better every time. Carlos was gentle but sometimes a bit violent, but Lando loved it anyways.

'You look so hot today.  I love the feeling that this is all just mine. ' while he said the words, he sprinkled tiny kisses on the younger boy's  body. 

'Then take what's yours' Lando said with a big smile on his face. Carlos didn't have to be told twice, he grabbed his boyfriend's waist and leaned over him. He placed a soft kiss on his mouth and then began to undress them both.


'Oh please Carlos, I don't want to be alone here. Can you maybe stay for just one more day?'
'Mi amor, you know that I can't. My family needs me. It's only three weeks pequeño'
Carlos kissed Lando softly and then he took his luggage.He turned around to his boyfriend a last time and then he left the house. Lando gave him a little wave and closed the dark wooden door and slid down along the said thing. It didn't take a minute for the boy to start sobbing bitterly while he was leaning against the door. 
He couldn't imagine going so long without Carlos. What should he do alone? Of course he knew that Carlos had to spend some time with his family but he didn't want to be so far away from him and alone.

He had no idea how long he had been sitting on the floor when his mobile started ringing. The display showed the name of his best friend George, but he wasn't in the mood to answer the call  so he just threw the phone away and stood up. He wiped away his tears and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Not even that was the same without Carlos. He missed as the spanish man's chest snuggled to his back. As his hands explored his body. As he placed gentle kisses on his neck.

After some minutes he got out of the shower a wrapped a towel around his waist and walked up to his bedroom. He didn't bother to get dressed. There was no reason for it, after all, he was alone. He lay down as he was, naked, in his bed, pulled the blanket over his body and tried to sleep but even after hours he couldn't.
He just couldn't stop thinking about his boyfriend. Without him the bed felt cold. Without Carlos nothing was the same.


Maybe he had two hours of sleep when he was woken up by a loud sound that came from his door. Soon George was standing in the door frame looking at Lando.
'George? What are you doing here?'
' You weren't answering my calls and messages. I thought something happened to you. Don't you dare to do this to us again!' even if he tried to appear angry, you could hear the worry in his voice.
Of course he was mad that his friend didn't answer but he knew how difficult it was for Lando.

George couldn't imagine to spend so much time without Alex but this wasn't about them.
He was worried. Worried 'cause he could see the pain in Lando's eyes every time Carlos mentioned having to travel to his family and when the young british boy didn't answer, he thought he had done something to himself.
When he saw Lando looking at him with his puppy eyes, he stepped closer and sat down on the corner of the bed and hugged his friend. Lando couldn't hold back the tears and started sobbing.
He clung to his shirt and soaked it with tears.

'Everything is okay Lando. Please don't cry!'

It hurted pretty much to see such a positive guy sobbing so bitterly. He hugged him tigher for a second, placed a brotherly kiss in his hair and moved then further away again.

'Oh lando, it'll be okay again, I promise you. And now go and get dressed. It's kind of weird that you're not wearing anything' he said while letting a giggle out his mouth. Lando did what George said. He got up (holding the blanket close to his body) and walked to his bathroom. George's pop up was exatly what he needed. Even if he still missed Carlos, the fact that he meant so much to his friends made him happy.

'Lando hurry up, there's someone on the phone for you!'

A full dressed Lando came out of the bathroom and walked to George who was holding his phone. He held out his hand for the device. A big smile showed up on his face when he saw who was calling. Carlos. 

'Finally mi amor. I called you at least three time and then I talked to George. I was so scared baby'

'I'm sorry Carlos, I miss you so much and I was so sad' The tears were running down his face. He didn't want to scare Carlos. Really not.

'It's okay Lando. It's okay mi amor.'

The little brit might have felt lonely, but he realized that he never actually would be. He would never be till he got Carlos. Not even when there is so much distance between them. The bond between them will always be there. In good and in bad times.

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