stroll x pérez (2/?)

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This is the second part of an OS. You can read it without the other one, of course. I hope y'all like it!


When he woke up it was still dark outside. He honestly had no idea where he was, as his last memory from the previous evening was Sergio's hug. He quickly jumped to his feet and walked out the room door. It was quiet and dark in the apartment. Oh god, he didn't like the dark at all. He didn't even see the tip of his own nose that scared him. His legs shook when he started following a noise. A quiet snore.Although he carefully put his feet forward, he accidentally stepped onto the old wooden floor, which immediately cracked. He himself was frightened at the noise and jumped to the side which wasn't the best idea in the dark. He hasn't seen the cupboard next to him, bumped his head against it and fell on the floor. He squeaked briefly in pain on the stroke of his ankle, which he had injured in the fall.

'Lance? What happened?'When the light came on, he screwed up his eyes in fear. How did the stranger know his name? And why was he getting closer and closer? He took the courage and slowly opened his eyes. It couldn't be worse. Even if he kept his eyes shut, he could hurt him or kill him. But when he opened his eyes completely, there was no longer any fear in his gaze, just pure confusion.

'Sergio? What are you doing here? Oh please tell me we didn't get kidnapped!'

'Of course not Lance. This is my apartment. You fell asleep in my arms and I couldn't wake you so I took you here'

'Oh.....oh. I'm dumb'

When he realized what had happened, he blushed around his nose. How could he think that someone had kidnapped him? Checo noticed this little blush and giggled softly about it. Lance was just incredibly cute. Had he not been so afraid of being touched, he would have kissed him long ago...

'It is still so early. I think you should go and sleep', the older one said.

'No! I've slept so much. I don't want to disturb you any longer. i think I'll drive home'

'Don't! I want you to stay. We have a whole free week. Just stay here and let's enjoy this little break together Lance', the older one sounded so enthusiastic. Lance just couldn't say no.


'Why didn't you tell me that your children are with you this weekend?' whispered the Canadian and took another look at the two children who were playing peacefully on the carpet.'

I've forgotten it. So bad? They will like you!' 

'Yeah, but that's kind of weird. And Carola looked at me so strangely '

A few days had passed and one morning Sergio's wife was standing in front of the door with the children who were supposed to spend the weekend with their father. Well, weird she looked there when Lance opened the door. Of course Lance knew that Sergio and his wife had divorced and he had seen the children in the paddock before, but the whole situation was just too strange.

'Of course she gave you a weird look. She didn't know you were here, but don't bother. Let's just spend the weekend peacefully and you can get to know my little ones better, okay? '


It felt wrong, but it also felt right. What was he to Sergio anyway? He didn't have that much time to think about it, because the next moment little Carlota began to cry terribly. They looked into each other's eyes and both ran to comfort the little girl. Sergio took his little daughter in his arms, but she was not about to stop crying and tried to turn out of his father's arms. Suddenly she stopped in the middle of the movement. She had rediscovered Lance, just looked at him at first and then held out her arms to him. The Canadian looked scared at the older one and Sergio couldn't help smiling as he stepped closer, uncertain. He carefully handed the child over to the younger one, who wrapped his arms tightly around the child. After a few seconds Lance had gathered his courage and began to rock the little girl in the arms. The little eyes closed pretty quickly.

'Do you keep taking care of her until we take a bath?', asked Sergio, holding his son's hand.In response he received a silent nod. He walked calmly into the bathroom and let the water run. After less than half an hour, the two came out of the bathroom and what they discovered on the carpet warmed the Mexican's heart. Lance was on the floor with Carlota on his chest and they both slept soundly. Carefully he stepped closer and knelt next to them. He slowly reached for his daughter and wanted to take her from the canadian when he suddenly slapped his hand away and opened his eyes. At first the Mexican looked surprised, then giggled softly about the resulting, incredibly sweet situation.

'Don't take her away from me. She sleeps so dearly'

The Canadian was right there. He had never seen Carlota sleep so peacefully before.

'Okay, but come into the bedroom', said the Mexican and kissed the younger man's forehead.

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