Chapter 13 - Rehabilitation

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I turn my eyes up and look around dazed. Apparently I'm lying in my room in the beach, so I relax a little bit. My head feels heavy and it takes me a while to get up. My body trembles uncontrollably and my muscles feel like sandpaper.

"Look at who's awake"

I turn to the voice and discover Izumi. So she survived her game, fortunately. She comes to the bed and sits by my side.

"I made tea for you. Well, Strictly speaking, I put a tea bag in cold water, that's not a great achievement"

She holds the cup and I accept it. I quickly take a sip, as I almost spill something through the tremor.

"Maybe it's not a great achievement, but you've really thought of me," I say, smiling with relief. It's not that we've known each other for a long time or become friends. But the very fact that she is here makes me feel a little better.

"What about the others, how is Yuudai doing?"

"The poor man had a hard night. After waking up from unconsciousness, he was barely responsive and most of the time in his bathroom, if you understand. I think a few guys by the pool thought he was finally asleep. Niragi was awake before and reported to Aguni and those in the leadership. But then he crumpled back into his room. I really had to hold back not to laugh at him as bad as he looked.'

Luckily, she has. To irritate him after such a night is definitely life-threatening. But I am relieved that Yuudai is still alive. I was afraid that he might not wake up after the car accident and the game.

"Don't take it badly, but you should really take a shower and brush your teeth before you go back to people," she says, laughing warmly. I look down at myself and notice that I am still wearing the same clothes. I have to look horrible, at least as I feel. Izumi helps me into the bathroom and leaves me alone.

I deliberately avoid the bathroom mirror and jump into the shower. The cold water makes me a little more alert and I feel better, but the trembling and drowsiness remain. My strength is numb to dry my hair, so I just let it hang down wet. I put on my normal beach clothes and when I throw the top of last night in the ton, my gaze gets stuck in the mirror. There is a puncture wound on my forehead, which I probably got as a result of the accident. I just put some of my hair over it to cover it up a little bit. I brush my teeth twice to get rid of the terrible taste and i'm getting to a point where I just want to put myself back in my bed. I lean a little on the wall and walk out of the bathroom towards Izumi.

"How do you feel?"

"Better, but still a little shaky"

"We should go to the restaurant and get you something to eat". She gets up and pushes me towards the hallway. She's not wrong, but I don't know if I can get anything down. There are more than usual in the hall and the volume makes me drive together. My head is roaring and I'm just trying to hide the noises.

I line up for the ice in the row, because I think I could still get that down. Izumi seems to be more hungry and needs a little longer, so I'm looking for a place. The ice seems to calm my stomach a little, but my hand trembles so much that it's hard to eat normally.

"And I thought Niragi would have gotten it badly"

I look up and only realize who the voice belongs to when I see the white vest and the blond hair. I give him a tired smile and just shrug.

"I have just risen from the dead, I have not seen one of the others"

His gaze glides inconspicuously on my hands, which still tremble uncontrollably. I noticed that he seems to get a picture of my condition, because his next look goes to my forehead. The hope that my hair will cover the place drops to zero. It feels kind of weird and I look embarrassed in my bowl.

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