Chapter 76 - Dread Doctors

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"Ann, we need you in the conference room," I hear a stern voice and grumble as I turn to the side to go back to sleep. When something tickles my nose I wake up enough to determine it is one of Kuina's dreadlocks. My eyes still feel heavy and I feel a little pressure on my head, just ten more minutes of full rest and relaxation, that's all I ask for.

"Wake up," I hear a strange voice and I exhale in annoyance. On my left side, someone moves and sits up.

"It's okay," I hear Ann and she gets up, probably to quickly get ready in the bathroom. Now that this side of the bed is free I turn my back to Kuina again and snuggle into my pillow. Slowly, my tired brain processes the end of last night. Together we were going to take Izumi to her room, each of us having had quite a bit to drink. Even Ann had to brace herself a little against the wall. Somehow we got the idea of how great it would be to squeeze us all into Ann's bed to wake up together at noon. I lay sandwiched between Kuina and Ann with both legs bent as we put Izumi at the foot of the bed.

I suddenly notice a strong aftershave smell and the sun is no longer shining directly in my face, which I skillfully ignored. Someone comes closer to my face and when I hear the laugh, I screw up my face and press my pillow into their face.

"No, no I can't stand you this early in the morning," I grumble and remove the pillow from Niragi's face again, turning my back to him. I can tell by his laughing snort that he's not toying with the idea of shooting me, which at this hour is already a success. But the thought of him standing with his rifle next to the bed I'm sleeping in makes me nervous, so I sit up and notice that Aguni is also standing in the room with his arms crossed and Chishiya in the doorway.

"Nice morning greeting," I curse softly, running a hand through my hair to keep it from looking messy or disheveled.

"It's almost afternoon," Aguni remarks dryly, and I wince inevitably. Apparently I've been talking louder than I thought. No wonder when I have to deal with Niragi this early. Aguni glances briefly at the bathroom door, but then leaves the room, nodding to his sidekick. Assured that Ann is getting ready and Niragi is paying attention, he obviously feels superfluous here.

"In case you're interested," Niragi begins, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me as he props his rifle on the floor, "The greasy guy you chased out the front window is dying at the end of this week"

"Wait, his visa hasn't expired already?", I ask incredulously but Niragi just shakes his head in denial.

"He seems to have been attending a game every night, there's a few days accumulated" Chishiya remarks from the doorway of the room.

"How did he win so many games? He and his friend didn't seem very intelligent," I furrow my eyebrows critically.

"They probably latched onto people like us and then killed them after the game or took them to their hideout," Niragi surmises and I silently agree with him, I couldn't think of any other explanation. I haven't thought about this man much lately, but I was firmly of the opinion that he's long dead and either lying in the container with the blue tarp or on a table in Ann's private morgue.

I look over at Izumi and Kuina, but both are sleeping peacefully and don't seem disturbed by anyone present. I crawl out of bed and put the blanket on the floor back on Izumi at the foot of the bed so she won't freeze. If it's really noon already I have a lot to do before the game starts.

"Would you like to join us?" asks Niragi, and I pause for a moment. I loathe men like the stranger and sometimes I can still feel his hand on my thigh.... The red and blue marks still haven't subsided, but to practically execute him? No, that's not me.

"Just ask me one more time just before," I say to stall for time so I can make the right decision for me in peace. I walk out of the room and past Chishiya, where he looks around quickly and rakes in my pinky out of sight of Niragi.

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