Chapter 16 - The Diamond Game

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I didn't fall asleep until the morning because I heard my records all the time. If I sleep until the afternoon I can be sure that I will not dream badly. So I was still awake when Izumi returned from her game alive. She had some minor scrapes, but otherwise everything seemed to be fine with her.

I've been ready for the game a long time ago, because I had to get new clothes out of the storage room anyway. I opted for the same nike shorts, but this time I chose a simple black shirt instead of the white version. I wear my white cheerleader shoes, I've tied my hair together into a sporty braid and I'm thinking about taking my pink rubber ball with me.

There is still a little time left and that is why I decide to sit in the lobby on one of the comfortable armchairs. Like every game, I play with the little pink ball and look around a little bit. I see some new faces, but at first glance no one seems to be interesting among them. Sometimes I expect Satoru or the boy with the green hair to show up here, but so far it has been misreported. Maybe they died long ago in one of their games. The leadership seems to have had a meeting, because I can see them all stepping out of the double door from here. The military squad seems to be in a mood of celebration, because they come down the stairs and drive to the pool area. Someone almost throws himself into the armchair next to me and looks at me, but I continue to observe the leadership, because I recognize the one by the smell.

"Heard that quite a few people died in the games yesterday," Kuina says, following my gaze.

"Have you heard how many?"

"No," she says chewing on her straw, and I feel her gaze, "We're playing together today, I asked Ann if I could come along.

"A real girls' evening"

I watch who exactly leaves the Chamber, but in the end there are still two missing. Mira came out first and walked towards her room. Ann nods to Kuina briefly, which probably means that she needs a moment to get anything. Chishiya comes out of the room and runs in some direction. Number two closes the two doors behind him, which must mean that Aguni and the hatmaker are still inside. My gaze fixates curiously on the door and my thoughts circle wildly around.

"Kuina, what number is Aguni again?"

"Number 3, why?"

Why does the hatmaker discuss something under four eyes with Aguni instead of his number two? You would probably talk about the military squad in other circumstances, but right after a meeting and when so many died yesterday? There could be something else behind it.


"Sayuuri", Ann pulls me out of my reflections with an iron voice and I look slightly frightened at her and Kuina, who is now standing next to her.

"We should get started slowly, I got car keys," she says, moving on. I jump up and run next to Kuina behind her. We all get in the car and I instinctively sit back. We don't really drive long and after twenty minutes Ann parks in a supermarket parking lot. The illuminated signs flash and lead around the main building. When they look at me, I know I should go. I just shrug my armpits and run after the arrows as I bounce my ball.

The flashing lights lead me to the location hall behind the actual shop and I can't recognize anybody. I take one of the mobile phones for registration and before the ten minutes of waiting time, Kuina and Ann join me as well as two strangers. The last minute is just running out, so I take my flummi in my hand and put it in my pocket. 

Registration is complete. The game begins. Number of participants: 5. Difficulty level: Check 3rd Game: The right choice. Rules: You come to five stations where you will be presented with several choices. But only one choice is the right one, through the others you will die. Good luck.

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