Chapter 18 - Do we want to bet?

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We talked all night. Every now and then other beach members joined us and the craziest stories were told. As it slowly became bright, Kuina and I brought Izumi to her room because she had been drinking quite a lot. I didn't wake up until about four o'clock in the afternoon and put myself in the shower first. The cold water helped me to wake up and save me from headaches. The rest of the day I spend reading a book that Kuina lent me yesterday.

Since the diamond game had a low difficulty yesterday, I decided to play again today. I put on my usual clothes for the games and walk into the entrance hall. I take one of Ann's assignment notes and position myself a little away from the gallery from which the hatmaker gives his speech. Motivated, people storm outside to the cars while I stop and play with my pink rubber ball for a moment.

"Hm. We are probably divided together"

I turn around and see Chishiya, with his typical look lifts up the same number that I have. He wears the hood of his white vest, which only shows the front two white-blonde strands. His face looks relaxed, but his eyes are much cooler.

"Are you coming?"

He turns around and I jump next to him so I don't have to run behind him. It just feels right to walk next to him. We probably won't change a word as I know him while driving. And in the game, you probably focus more on staying alive.

"Do we want to bet?" I ask him and judging his gaze I made him a little curious. He looks at me as he raises his eyebrows a little, but his grin gets wider.

"What kind of bet?"

"Whether the game is a heart/cross/diamond or spade game"

"And what do I win if I'm right?"

"You mean if you win. And no idea, what do you want?"

He stops, looks thoughtful and barely nods noticeably. I stop next to him and look at him waiting and tense. As indifferent as he is to people, I can't imagine him having anything to think of. Perhaps he thinks it's a scary and childish idea. He may be considering whether he will ignore me in the future, as will most of us here.

"If I win, I may go to your room"

I look at him surprised and surprised. My room? I stop next to him and he grins wider when he notices my facial expression. This only unsettles me even more and when he gets moving again I will stop for a moment.

"Your room gives a glimpse of who you are"

"Why do you want to know who I am?" I laugh slightly embarrassed and catch him again by taking the last three steps at once.

"Maybe I just want to get to know you"

Or I can only assess myself. It would give him an advantage in more difficult games over me, but somehow the last words sound nice from his mouth.

"Okay, and as soon as I win..."

"If you win," he interrupts me with a little laugh and I just shake my head with a laugh. Look, he can also be humorous.

"Then I can ask you three questions and you have to answer honestly"

"Two Questions"

"You can see my whole room and I only get two questions?"

"That's more than everyone here in the beach knows about me together"

Sounds fair. I nod affirmatively and put my hand up to him. He looks at her amused at first, but then seizes her. I grin triumphantly and the same warm feeling in my chest of yesteryear spreads again.

"Spades," he says immediately, but doesn't let go of my hand yet. Damn, that's what I wanted to choose. I chew around easily on my lower lip and think about another playing card, otherwise our bet would be pointless.


"Well beautiful"

We run together to the car assigned to us. There are already three men waiting in the car and both the driver's seat and the passenger seat are already occupied. Chishiya opens the door and looks at me waiting. I can imagine that he does not do it out of courtesy, but because he does not want to sit squeezed in the middle bench. I only look at him with twisted eyes and then slide into the middle so that Chishiya can sit next to me.  

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