Chapter 64 - Goldrain

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Chishiya's view

Sleepy and still tired, I open my eyes. I press my face lightly into Sayuuri's hair before deciding to turn from the middle of the bed back to my side. I didn't really want to let Sayuuri stay over for now, but somehow I just couldn't say no. Especially not after what almost happened the night before last. I don't know why I did that or how I could lose control of myself, but it felt right to lean down to her. I don't like it at all when my head shuts off and I get careless. One of the many reasons I never wanted to understand the human heart. It is there to keep us alive and pump blood through the body, not to feel anything or be there to love. At the word, I screw up my face in disgust and stare at the ceiling. People make such a big fuss about this word, yet it is just a word. Love is a feeling invented by humans that does not exist in nature.

I look to my right at the girl next to me and notice that she is shivering. Strange, it's relatively warm here in the room and she's still wearing her black sweater. I put part of my blanket over her, hoping she won't be so cold anymore. She suddenly stirs and turns to me, which surprises me slightly, because I thought she would sleep. She looks at me with sad eyes and my mouth remains slightly open for a moment. Did I do something wrong?

"Chishiya, I'm not feeling well," she almost whispers and I'm suddenly wide awake. I noticed earlier that she was drinking quite a bit of water. I wanted her to be close to me in case something was wrong, and as usual, I was right. Although this time I was hoping it wouldn't be. I quickly get out of bed and walk to the light switch at the other end of the room. Sayuuri sits down at the foot of the bed and I can already tell from here that she doesn't look well. Her face is pale and beads of sweat have formed on her forehead. Cursing softly, I walk back to her and try to get an idea of what's going on. Her voice sounds brittle and she is shaking uncontrollably all over. She holds her stomach with one hand and supports herself on the bed with the other. I take her lightly by the chin to lift her head and check her eyes.

"I'll get Ann, you stay here," I say as I see her huge pupils. Damn, why didn't she tell me she wasn't feeling well earlier? She can be such a stubborn person sometimes! How can a person who is so smart be so stupid sometimes. I knock loudly on Ann's room door and after what feels like an eternity, she opens annoyed and glares angrily at me.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I need your help," I say sternly. Ann just rolls her eyes and wants to close the door again, but I put my foot in between. "Sayuuri is not well"

I try to stay calm as usual but I can't deny that my heart is beating a little faster and I'm getting restless. Ann's expression doesn't seem as hard anymore and she just nods silently. We walk to my room and as soon as we reach the door she pushes past me. I close the door behind me and watch as Ann sits down next to Sayuuri and I give her an angry look. I can't stand it when someone sits on my bed or when one of the leadership rule is in my room. I stifle a biting comment and swallow my anger.

"What are you still doing here at this hour?" asks Ann first, and I'm about to intervene, but Sayuuri beats me to it.

"We were still playing cards," she says convincingly and I relax again. No one but Kuina knows that we sleep together from time to time, and we need to keep it that way. But with Sayuuri, I don't have to worry about her accidentally telling anyone. Ann checks her pulse and she also seems to notice that her pupils are dilated.

"We need to get to the lab, it's not the same poison as Katsu's," Ann says firmly, standing up.


"When you opened the door to the archive," I explain to her. She didn't show any symptoms after inhaling it, but I still should have had Ann check her out. Sayuuri crawls out of bed, signaling that she can stand on her own as Ann tries to prop her up.

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