Chapter 101

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I open my eyes powerlessly and look dazedly to the side. Am I really awake or trapped in my dream at the same time? My muscles obey me only with extreme effort and it takes me a moment to realize what situation I'm in. The lockers around me bathe my vision in a dark blue haze, beguiling yet surreal. Groaning, I try to brace myself on my right arm, but it gives way and the next moment I feel the cold tiles on my cheek.

With a strained face, I straighten up and look at my ally. Suppressing a scream, I crawl as far away as I can from the lifeless body. Even when I reach the opposite area, I can't take my eyes off the sight: The metal fashion chain hangs limply down the brown shirt, but the collar around his neck has done its job and only a bloody stump dripping on the torso. Gasping, I try to escape the sight, but the stone wall behind me prevents me from doing so. Moku has died, how many are still alive?

I scramble on all fours to the contestant's cell phone, only to notice this display of blurry letters: Congratulations, you've won.

I am the only survivor. Sadly I look at the lifeless body of Moku, he has kept me awake for the last few minutes, without him I would have fallen asleep long ago. Shuffling, I brace my foot against the flowing wall and grasp the metal handle of the door knob. With the greatest of effort, I push the door open a crack and slip through. The hallway light flickers and, groaning, I brace myself against the wall. Tile by tile, I shimmy along toward the exit sign, but my senses go crazy. I think I detect a sweet scent, before my vision goes black and I land roughly on the floor. The next thing I catch is a familiar voice, which seems far away.


Is that my name? I don't remember, I don't know anything anymore. Yielding, I close my eyes and fall into a deep swoon. I feel nothing anymore, no cold or warmth.

My body is numb and I can only conditionally grasp a thought. Have I survived, or is it a sick fantasy after all? I cannot open my eyes, my songs are too heavy and my throat dry. I surrender to the diminishing veil of consciousness and drift away completely. At least until, after an interminable time, with the greatest effort, I can open my eyes a crack.

"Hm?", I bring forth the only sound which may leave my throat and slump down again without that muscle tension. I struggle to straighten up, but as soon as my elbows seem to give way, two fingers reach under my chin and straighten it to the right.

"What's wrong with her?" a voice from farther away says, and I inevitably flinch at the voice. It has taken on a normal volume, yet it irritates my eardrums and I clench my teeth painfully.

"Possibly drugs?"

"Ann, maybe you should let the new number one know," I hear an arrogant voice and make an effort to sit up, but the soft sheet is still too tempting. I hear a door slam shut before I open my lids in complaint and look into cold black, eyes.

"Did you take anything?"

I feel two fingers gently push open my eyelids and my sensitive cornea immediately begins to burn. Painfully, I pull my head away and squint my eyes before thinking of his words. What did he say, I can't remember?

"Sayuuri, did you throw something in?"

Slowly I shake my head in denial and try to look at him again. Drugs, no I don't think I did drugs. I was in a game, right?

"Then what about her?" the voice from across the room starts again, "Does she even understand us?"

"Yeah, I think she's just taking longer to process what we're saying," the voice in front of me says and I want to nod, but my head just hangs down limply. "Sayuuri, have you been in more than one game since you left Beach?"

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