Chapter 59 - How stunned

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I don't know exactly how long I have been lying in the sand, but I estimate two hours. The other participant has also survived and has long since left, I'm glad that he just left me here. I get feeling in my hands again and decide it's time to go back to the hotel. I take the playing card and walk to the car we came in. The keys are still in it and the engine starts right up. With still shaky legs, I press on the gas and drive for thirty minutes until I arrive at the Beach parking lot and carelessly park the car somewhere. I take the playing card and walk up the stairs to the entrance area completely empty with my feelings. I press the card into the hatter's hand without making eye contact and head for my room. I feel the many looks on me which is no wonder: I must look terrible. My clothes are wet and stick to my skin. I am full of sand and my hair is dried out at the roots from the salt water. My top is torn and blood is running down my side from the wound.

Ann runs to me and says something, but I can't understand a single word. I just nod and let her lead me to my room. She cleans the wound and I just recognize the morphine syringe in her hand, but I just shake my head. I definitely don't want to get tired and fall asleep, just the thought of my nightmares makes me cringe. I seem to be in shock, because I don't really get how Ann sews up the wound. She seems to realize that I'm not with myself and pats my shoulder briefly before leaving me alone.

I jump in the shower briefly, just to get the sand off me, and put on my bikini and loose pants. I grab a glass of whiskey and stand in front of the window. Before I was looking critically at the view of the sea, now I look at it with hatred. My eyes are red and burning from all the tears, but I just can't take my eyes off it. Until a hand wraps around my arm and I turn to face the person. I expect it to be Ann and put on a smile. But as soon as I recognize the white-blond hair and dark eyes, my smile becomes brittle. I avoid his gaze, but he pulls me into a hug of his own accord and I hesitate for a moment, wrapping my arms around him as new tears make their way. I loathe the thought of looking weak in front of him, but I just can't pull myself together anymore.

After a while, I break away from him and quickly wipe my cheeks before smiling gratefully at him. He grins just slightly and looks me straight in the eye until his attention is drawn to my arm. Chishiya takes it and looks at the scratch marks with a questioning expression. He walks over to the bag Ann left there and digs out a bandage.

"I was trying to help a woman, but when the shark cut her in two.... well her hands cramped up and I had a hard time getting them off," I explain tiredly as he bandages my arm.

"Next time we'll play together," is all he says and I tilt my head a little.

"Did you make the divisions this far in advance?"

"No, but I'll make sure you do. You've developed a bad habit of always hurting yourself when we don't play together"

"Maybe I just want to spend more time with you" I joke and after looking at me silently for a moment, he grins slightly.

"Then you should have just said that" he says dryly, but I can tell he's holding back a grin. I thank him for bandaging my arm, even if I didn't think it was necessary. I can't help but smile slightly, but my gaze slides past him to the sea. A shiver goes down my spine and my smile flattens. My thoughts go back to the rock and how weak I was. I had no control over my body and reacted differently than I ever have in a game. Screaming and crying I was like a scared little child.

"What happened?", Chishiya's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I look at him questioningly, "Not even after your 10 of spades game were you this out of it"

"That's just it. It wasn't a spades game for me"

He just nods understandably and I can't stop another tear from making its way. I just shake my head because I feel stupid crying in front of Chishiya. I want to wipe the tear away, but he beats me to it. He just grins faintly, otherwise his expression is pretty opaque to me. As soon as his fingers touch my cheek, goosebumps form on my arms and I freeze slightly. He leaves his hand on my cheek for a second longer, but it passes far too quickly. He just nods slightly and lowers his arm again.

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