Chapter 29 - Old friends

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"Sayuuri, you don't think how happy I am to see you!"

I'm too surprised to answer or reciprocate her embrace. I notice how weird this must look, so I easily pat her on the back. Norikita, the last person I spoke to before I came to Borderland. When she breaks away from me after a while, I get a short picture of her. The leadership called me to do it because she wears the same uniform as I did back then. She has a small cut wound on her arm, but otherwise she seems to be doing well. She looks at me with her big Bambi eyes and I realize that she looks relieved.

Norikita has never been a loner, she has always surrounded herself with as many people as possible. Alone in Borderland must have been terrible for them, especially when all the people disappeared. Her gaze pans to my neck and arms to the faded wounds, but I just shake my head imperceptibly and smile at her.

"Then that would be cleared up," laughs the hatmaker and I nod thankfully to him, "I've already explained the rules to her, maybe you'll accompany her to our storage room so she can choose swimwear"

Well, this gives me time to talk to Norikita under four eyes. I have to stop them from telling me something about me and that could be harder than you think. Norikita is a kind and warm person, but sometimes she just doesn't think. Especially when she drinks, she likes to tell old stories. That never bothered me, but here in Borderland, a loose tongue is like a broken neck. I mean to follow her with a glance and when we get to the door, Niragi leans forward a little.

"I love this uniform"

I just twist my eyes, but my friend laughs amused. I'm trying to walk one step faster to prevent Norikita from starting the conversation here on the aisle. The relaxed attitude of the hatmaker and her reaction, I can see that she did not have to be threatened to stay here. Perhaps it is better to leave her in this faith before she does anything stupid.

Arriving in the storage room, I sit down on one of the tables and watch Norikita look around enthusiastically.

"I think one of my dreams comes true, and I don't have to pay any of it?"

"No, for nothing"

"The madness. I think we're going to sit here for quite a long time, how can we commit to it with such a selection?" she says enthusiastically and looks at various bikinis, "So these people in the conference hall decide everything here?"

"So about. The hatmaker still comes first"

"The slanted guy in the bathrobe?"

"Yes. The others advise him and make decisions together or solve problems"

"Understand, and the sweet guy at the door?"

I think I'm going to be bad. But I've already seen this coming, after all, I know Norikita's men's taste.

"Niragi. He belongs to the military squad, but you should be careful with him"

"Sayuuri," she laughs loudly, throwing a top at me, "You haven't changed a little. At the clubs you always thought I should be more careful. Do you remember the rocker on New Year's Eve?"

I just nod and see that my warnings and nothing like that will help. She has her own stubborn head and will not listen to me. Norikita will feel at home here in the beach, she has always been a free spirit.

"How long have you been here?" she pulls me out of my mind.

"For a while. How many days have you been here?"

Norikita is not long in Borderland. Unfortunately, I know full well that she wouldn't survive long at the Games on her own. One more point why it is good for them to be here in the beach.

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