Chapter 63 - Wendigo

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At some point I look at the clock and realize that the hatter's speech should start any moment. I put on my shorts and new black sweater while taking extra time. Chishiya has meant he'll make sure we're assigned together in the next few games, and I have no idea how to act towards him. Should I keep awkwardly silent, avoid him, or fall around his neck and make out. Why does it all have to be so complicated?

In the entrance hall, I stand at Kuina's side and my first glance goes to Chishiya on the gallery by the leadership rule. He seems to have noticed me as well and inconspicuously forms the word 'game' with his mouth. Momentarily, I relax and nod with a slight grin. Whatever that was yesterday, we still understand each other wordlessly and it doesn't seem to have broken anything between us. I feel like a load is lifted off my mind and I try to pretend I'm listening intently to the Hatter. As soon as he finishes his speech, people rush past us into the parking lot. Kuina and I wait a moment longer and Ann hands me a piece of paper with my allotment. I nod my thanks to her and after saying goodbye to Kuina, I run outside. I had actually planned to wait for Chishiya, but I didn't miss the curious looks of the number two on him, so I go ahead.

I lean against the outside door of the jeep and wait until someone appears next to me, drawing my attention with his grin.

"Two times in a row, I'm lucky," I say sarcastically. Niragi seems to have understood my sarcasm and just wiggles his eyebrows before taking a seat in the driver's seat. I wait a little longer, but when I see the two men heading for our car, I freeze slightly.

"I hope it's a good sign that we're playing together for once," Katsu smiles cheerfully at me and holds the car door open for me. I hesitate for a moment, but Chishiya walks past him indifferently as he pulls up the hood of his vest.

"I'm sitting in the middle," he says surprisingly, and sits down in that very seat. I sit down on Chishiya's right side and Katsu takes a moment while looking at him, puzzled. But after Niragi gives Katsu an annoyed waiting look he starts moving and takes a seat on the other side. The mood in the car is a little tense, especially since we're not leaving. Niragi waits for a man from the military squad to jump into the passenger seat, and we are one of the last cars to leave. Who put this group together in such a constellation, please?

I play nervously with my black ball and teeter restlessly with my leg. Niragi parks the car in a less populated area of town and I get right out. Most of the time I should be the first to get to the game place, so I don't wait at all and just run ahead. I follow the light markings and when I pass the light barrier at an underpass I hear the typical click of the light barrier, which seems to escape most players. I walk over to the table with the cell phones and grab one in a pink case. I stand off to the side a bit and let the facial recognition run.

At an estimated four minute interval, Niragi, Katsu, and then Chishiya come up behind me and do the same. The other man from the military squad automatically stands by Niragi and looks amusedly at all the participants one by one, as if they are about to die like flies. After a few moments, the mechanical female voice appears and announces our next game.

The registration is completed. Number of participants: 18. Game: Dark corridors. Difficulty: Cross 5. Game rules: When the elevator opens, only one person enters it at a time. Find the right code to get back to the free area in the elevator within the next two hours. Good luck.

The elevator opens and the first player enters. When the elevator doors close a few seconds later, she looks at me with frightened eyes. After a minute, the elevator opens again and a man climbs in confidently. After another minute, the elevator opens again and I take a deep breath. I walk past everyone and lean against the back wall of the elevator. I usually always put my rubber ball away already, but starting out all alone makes me nervous, so I still hold it in my hand. I look up briefly and feel like an attraction at the fair because everyone is looking at me. I ignore them and look first at Niragi, who has shouldered his rifle and nods at me. Before the doors close for a third, and for me for the time being last time, my gaze slides to Chishiya. He wears his white hood and looks directly at me. His mouth is slightly open, but I see no reaction.

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