Chapter 24 - The blood-soaked girl

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"Quietly, she's still coming," Kuina says, leaning against the wall behind her. She folds her arms, but by her nervous chewing on her straw, you can see that she is worried.

"I'm calm," Chishiya replies, looking back at the entrance. His hands are in the vest pockets as always and he wears his hood.

"Clearly, even though the last group came back two hours ago and the military squad has already gone on a supply tour again"

Chishiya just laughs tiredly. His face looks emotionless and his eyes radiate a frightening cold.

"People die in the games, this is nothing new," he says only, looking at them with raised eyebrows.

"It's the first time you've been waiting for someone," Kuina says, looking at him. Then she looks past him, her body completely tightens. Her face solidifies and she takes the straw out of her mouth.

"Damn," she says, and Chishiya follows her gaze. At the entrance stands the hatmaker, who holds the unconscious Sayuuri. The sight is simply horrible: it is covered with dried blood and some wounds are fresh. Behind her, shards of glass occasionally fall on the floor and her hair is also covered in blood red. In places that the blood has not yet covered, stick soil and some leaves. The hatmaker can hold her just like that and beckons Aguni to help him. Chishiya tries to keep his indifferent grin and when Aguni looks at him, he puts on a smile and waves. He notices Kuina's stubborn gaze and that she looks at him perplexed.

"Ann, we need you!" the hatmaker shouts, and Ann rushes to them with a large bag.

"Put her on the ground!"

She kneels to her and seems to get a rough picture. Some onlookers gather around the scene and Ann seems to be paying attention to something. She takes something out of Sayuuri's hand and Chishiya realizes that it is the card with the spade 10.

"I need adrenaline and morphine," Ann yells at one of the running boys, who quickly opens the bag and hands her two syringes. Ann initiates the two substances and waves to Aguni.

"I have to examine her, bring her to her room!" 

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