Chapter 102 - The new Beach

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I open my heavy eyelids and straighten up with great effort. My gaze sweeps through the room in search of Chishiya, but I recognize only one person. Kuina is sleeping with her legs stretched out in an armchair next to the bed, and I look around in confusion. This is not my room, but I don't recognize who it may belong to: no personal belongings are lying around, only my sports bag on the coffee table. But this hotel room is too big to be mine, so I continue to look around, panting. My first room barely offered the space to move around much in it, but this room is far larger. Why this update, wait. I'm the new number nine, am I on the executive floor?

"Unfamiliar," I mutter and pause. I can consciously utter a long word, the feeling of weakness has subsided to some extent and I think I can express myself again. Cautiously, I start an attempt and repeat the word I couldn't pronounce earlier, "Chishiya."

A feeling of happiness washes over me and laughing, I throw myself around Kuina's neck. I feel her wince and wake up startled, but just perceiving this makes me let a tear escape and not let go of her. I am alive and with her. Slowly she seems to realize my presence and when I feel her warm hands on my back, I just press closer to her.

"Kuina," I whisper, ignoring the dreadlock which tickles my nose.

"Hey Sunshine," she laughs in amusement and returns my gesture emphatically, "I guess if you can pronounce my name correctly, you're back up to speed?"

"How I feel not quite yet, but mostly."

"I don't want to scare you right away, but Aguni said as soon as you're awake he wants answers. Chishiya has been dragging it out, but we're all curious."

I break away from the woman and just nod thoughtfully. Facing Aguni will take a lot out of me, but I think I can pull myself together. I run a hand through my hair and head for the door of the room. Kuina quickly steps up next to me and seems less anxious to be active. The light touch on my arm tells me she's ready as support should I collapse. Together we work our way to the conference room and while the armed soldiers eye me strangely and the woman at my side hesitates, I ignore them and gingerly push open the double-sided wooden door.

Immediately, all eyes are on me and feeling slightly uncomfortable, I wordlessly take a seat on my vacant chair next to Chishiya and dodge his scrutiny. Firstly because I couldn't help looking at him and secondly because I still find it embarrassing to have been slow on the uptake earlier.

"Sayuuri," Mira's brightening voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I look into her delighted face. Still, it doesn't seem completely honest, but playful.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," I reply, looking meaningfully at Aguni.

"Where have you been?" asks the voice of Last Boss behind me, and a soft metallic sound tells me he has his sword ready.

"There was no time limit on this game of hearts," I bring out confidently, looking to Ann with thanks. She found me; it's because of her that I'm back at the hotel. "We had tools to stay awake, but they had their pitfalls. I had an ally, when one of the participants went crazy we barricaded ourselves in the washroom and there I fell asleep."

A strong hand rests on my shoulder and I look up at Niragi in alarm. Playfully licking his lips, he nevertheless gestures to the swordsman to calm down.

"I'm glad you're back. After all, it saves me from having to track you down and execute you as a traitor."

"I missed you too," I counter with a dry smile.

"That's enough," Aguni interrupts the conversation before we can even begin to finish each other off. "The playing card is rare, but nothing new."

His voice is emotionless, as if he doesn't believe his own words. The card seems as unimportant to him as my presence. He has the same blank expression in his eyes as he did with the Hatter's corpse. He seems to catch my specific patterning and nods emphatically, lost in thought:

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