Chapter 56 - Why not a game of spades?

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I stand with Kuina and Izumi a little apart from the people in the entrance area, while most look excitedly to the gallery. Today, for once, I'm overpunctual, but only because I was playing cards with Kuina until just now. After spending lunch losing to Chishiya over and over again in chess, I needed a few wins not to be depressed. But despite the many defeats, it was fun to play with Chishiya and he taught me some nifty openings and moves. I had the feeling that he enjoyed the time together as much as I did, which is no wonder when all he does is win.

The Hatter just steps forward and people start clapping and cheering. Once again I realize that I now live in a world where people idolize a man with long hair and a colorful robe.

"Do you have any idea approximately how the division is today?", I ask Kuina quietly, our gaze still directed forward to the milliner.

"All I know is that I'm assigned together with Chishiya and Izumi is with Aguni in the group".

Hopefully I'll end up with Ann or at least Yuudai, anything better than playing with number two again. As soon as the Hatter finishes the speech with one of his usual closing sentences, the first ones are already rushing through the big front door of the hotel to the cars. Izumi also starts to move and I wave goodbye to her. I wait a few more moments and play with my black rubber ball before I calmly head outside. I check the number on my slip of paper and walk to my assigned car, which is parked pretty far out front.

"It's been a while since our last game, huh?"

I roll my eyes, and though I don't need to turn around to know who the voice belongs to, I do anyway. Niragi is standing in front of me, his rifle shouldered as always and with a dirty grin. He wears black leather pants and a black, slightly unbuttoned shirt with gold accents.

"Hopefully we'll make it back to the hotel without overdosing this time," is all I say as I sit down in the passenger seat. In the rearview mirror, I spot two others making themselves comfortable in the back. I recognize the woman on the left from the military squad, the man on the right is unknown to me. Niragi immediately starts the engine which means we are complete and no one else is following.

We drive for a while near an industrial area and already from far away we can see the white billboard shining. Niragi parks the car at the side of the building and tells me to go ahead with him. The other two stay with the car while we follow the light arrows. At the entrance, two men are standing and look up from their cell phones when they hear us coming. Their attention is drawn to Niragi's rifle in the same second and they eye him suspiciously.

We each take a cell phone and run facial recognition. We have seven minutes left before the game starts; I'm not usually at the game site this early. Bored, I play with my black ball and as time runs out, the rest of the Beach members and two strangers join me. I eye everyone inconspicuously, but from my assessment, no one seems to be in for a surprise.

The waiting time is over and the game begins. Number of participants: 8. Difficulty: Diamonds 3. Game: Antidote. Game rules: Each of you must inject yourselves with a serum. If you don't find the antidote within the next thirty minutes, you lose and die. The game starts as soon as everyone has injected themselves with the serum. Good luck.

The door opens automatically and without hesitation we all enter a large hall. In front of us on a metal table lie about twelve spikes. Many just look at them critically, but I simply squeeze past them and take a tip with a transparent liquid. I still feel a little queasy, but I prefer the color to green or black. Niragi stands by me and I look significantly at his belt. He refrains from a wry remark and takes off the belt.

As he hands it to me, I strap it around my upper arm and tighten it. I tap the crook of my arm to stimulate blood flow and catch a vein. When I spot one of the thicker veins I put the needle on and inject myself with the contents. I loosen the belt and give it back to Niragi, who does the same. As soon as everyone is done, most of them put their tips back on the tray, but I put mine in out of instinct. Niragi looks at me with his eyebrows drawn together and does the same before looking to the other beach members and giving them a stern look.

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