Chapter 14 - Dinner

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The last days I spent most of my time in bed or in the shower. The deserts of the last game have not completely disappeared. My wrist is still a little teal, but the ointment of Izumi has stopped pulsating. My body seems to have recovered, but every now and then my hands are still shaking. I don't feel so foggy anymore and fortunately the cold sweat has disappeared. The wound on my forehead has subsided a little and I can better cover it.

Izumi persuaded me to leave my room today and have dinner with her. I wasn't so enthusiastic about the idea, but I can't beat it off her either. She was so friendly and helpful that I would just feel bad about making her such a request. I'm the first to knock on her room, but since no one opens, I suspect she's already in the restaurant and keeps us free.

The hall is quite full and it takes me a while to discover Izumi. She waves to me and I signal to her that I'm getting another tablet. I take a few rice waffles, dry cornflakes and a few fruits. I squeeze myself through all the people towards Izumi. I sit down with her and smile at her.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, not an issue. I just wanted to prevent us from getting a place. Most of them have to play today and want to smash their stomachs again," she says, and we look at the scrum at the food outlet.

"After my last game, I can say with a clear conscience that it's a damn bad idea"

At the thought I slightly disgusted the face, but Izumi just laughs.

"When do you have to play again?"

"I'm playing today, so I wanted to have dinner with you," she says, smiling bravely, "You're back tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, and when I'm reassigned with Niragi, I might voluntarily walk through the laser barrier"

'I don't think it's necessary. I heard he wanted to play today"

I breathe a serene breath and secretly hope that it will not be classified with Izumi. She's here what comes closest to a friend and I'd be reluctant to lose her so quickly. Suddenly someone puts his tray next to Izumi and sits down with us.

"I'm allowed?"

"Sure, nice to see you again," Izumi beams.

"I heard you're playing today, good luck," the girl smiles back, and then looks at me, "Sayuuri, right? My name is Kuina"

She stretches out her hand to greet me and I accept her. She starts eating from her packed plate, but I notice her gaze still hanging on me.

"Do you play today Kuina?" asks Izumi curiously.

"No I was yesterday. Spade two, that means I can do it again tomorrow"

She talks quite relaxed and I can't help but look at her. Her attitude is quite loose and she seems to be snouring down the food rather than enjoying it. On her tray by the side I recognize one of her straws, but this one seems new. I can't really assess her yet and it seems a little strange to me that she sat down with us.

"I heard you arrived here in a cheerleader uniform," she turns to me and looks at me with big eyes, "Are you still going to school?"

"That's right, you've never told me that," Izumi says, seeming to think for a moment, "Honestly, I don't know anything about you."

I look at my plate to dodge her gaze. Admittedly, I didn't really trust her at the beginning and deliberately avoided talking about my life in front of the Borderland. The first reason is because it doesn't help anyone here, and especially not me, to know more about my life. I have to focus on the games and I need a clear head. Since this hallucination, I've sometimes been a little off the track. Light's jacket I haven't been hanging in the room since then, but in the sports bag under my bed. Every time my look falls on the embroidered name, I feel a pressure on my chest. Another reason is that I just don't want to think about my family or my friends. Because then I come to the question of whether they might also be here and have to fight for their lives. Or that I'm going to die here and never see her again.

I look up to the two of them. Kuina looks at me curiously, but Izumi's gaze tells me that this fact hurts her. She told me so many stories about her two little sisters and her best friend. I don't want to hurt them, so I try to say as little as possible. Above all, Kuina's choice of words made me aware. Not many people have seen me in my uniform, which means there is a great chance that Chishiya told her. And that means the two must have talked about me.

"No, second semester at university"

"I was a saleswoman. A small supermarket at the bottom of the corner. My manager always charged me overtime to clear the shelves"

She sighs and I think I know why she's telling that. She confides something to me and then thinks that I trust her more and become a little more open. But she doesn't seem like a person with evil ulterior motives. Nevertheless, I should be careful first.

"Why are you still working there when your manager treats you like this?" asks Izumi with interest and seems to want to continue the conversation.

"The working hours were good. I always had the early shift and could take care of my mother for the rest of the day"

"Why did you have to take care of your mother?" I ask cautiously. In their eyes I imagine a pure honesty to recognize, which calms me a little.

"She is ill and is in hospital"

"I'm sorry," I say with compassion. She's probably heard that many times, but she smiles at me and nods thankfully. I have forgotten that there are also people here whose families they really need. For a second I think of my parents and I try to throw the thought off quickly. Honestly, I don't even know if they miss me.

Fortunately, neither of them noticed my brief, mental absence. I close my eyes briefly to gather myself and put on a smile again.

"I don't think my stomach is playing along yet," I say, standing up, "Good luck to Izumi today.

I take my tray away before I walk out of the crowded room. I decide to make a detour to the bar instead of going straight to my room. Somehow I just feel like i'm having a drink.

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