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22 | A quiet place.

For a while, things seemed normal.

Barry had gotten busier as he balanced life in Central City and Gotham. His days were consumed with work, and any free time he had seemed to be taken up by rogue villains and thugs in Central City. Thanksgiving had been a rush and with Christmas fast approaching Willow had tried to balance her job and time with her boyfriend, but even with someone with superhuman speed, she had noticed Barry being stretched too thin. The crimson speedster hadn't been one to rest, but Willow had noticed Barry had been sleeping more and seemed pale. She had been working doubles at the hospital and Barry had been busy, so their time together had been limited. She always found herself wishing she could do more.

" If Howard doesn't stop bitching about his rounds, I'm going to miraculously come down with a cold and stick him with a double. " Meryl hissed quietly against Willow's back as the young doctor leaned against the Nurse's station and calmly blew on a cup of reheated coffee. She glanced behind her shoulder at Meryl, the very same doctor who Willow was sure would be Hospital Administrator someday, the very same one who had broken down and cried today about the coke machine eating her dollar. She was by far her favorite person, next to Barry of course.

" He's tired Meryl, give him a break. " Willow shot Meryl a serious glare, " It must be exhausting having two girlfriends and a wife to take care of. " From out of the blue Willow started to grin and Meryl let out a fleury of snorts as she tried to keep the laughter from escaping her body. Pinning her head down into her hands and eventually letting out the laugh.

" Seriously, how does he have the charisma for it, I'm exhausted chasing one guy, I can't imagine two more. " Meryl chimed in and collapsed into a nearby swivel chair. " Speaking of guys, have you and Barry had the talk yet? "

Willow arched a brow at Meryl's question, causing her cheeks to pinken.

" Yeah, that's what I thought. You're both so sweet and innocent. " Meryl's snide comment silenced Willow but caused her to think about the last intimate moment she had with Barry. She got lost for a few seconds, remembering riding on Barry's lap a few days before. But that wasn't something she was willing to share. She disassociated for a few more seconds as she remembered pressing her lips into his neck as her body trembled down onto his. Willow bit her bottom lip, her eyes pulling up and away from their conversation as she thought of her boyfriend, who had been busier than normal as of late.

" And you know what else, " Willow tried to recenter herself, her eyes lost in the distance as Meryl revved back up. " This place is getting to me, it's the same thing week after week after week, " she brought up her hands as he began to get more flustered, " gunshot-stab wounds-kidnapped kids, and like-we don't even make a dent. Maybe I should quit, get a job at a 7-11, or be a golf instructor or something. " She sighed and slouched further into the chair. Being a Doctor in a major city was difficult, but being one in Gotham was a completely different level of extreme. Willow had suffered from burnout too, but she'd had Barry to fall back on, Meryl had been dealing with a separation and needed some support.

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