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11 | Savior


" She'd be a great candidate, don'cha think puddn', "

Harley scoffed at the young doctor. Her eyes lighting up as they scanned Willow's trembling frame. Her cheeky smile only added to Willow's panic as she ran her tongue against her stained white teeth. Harley's appetite increasing with every look her and Willow exchanged.

" She's a pretty thing, but is she strong enough? "

The Joker's low voice and deadset eyes made her beyond uncomfortable. With every second that passed the greater her fear grew. Restricting her breathing, and causing her heart to race, Willow could feel her skin crawl as she felt her presence fall deeper into danger. She wanted to flee, but her leaving wouldn't stop these criminals. It wouldn't stop people from getting hurt or killed, and as much as her body begged her to run, she couldn't. She cared for the safety of people she didn't know. She was empathetic to their fears and it was what pushed her to become a doctor in the first place. So as stupid as it was, and as unwise as it seemed, she wouldn't leave.

" Only one way to find out. "

The green-haired snake brought up an eager hand, snapping one of his lackeys into action, and causing a new fear to emerge within Willow. She watched as two men ste\\pped forward, reaching for her. Naturally, she recoiled, taking a full step back as her wide eyes took in the scene before her. These men weren't here to rob her, perhaps not even here to hurt her, not yet at least, no these men were here to take her. A nightmare more chilling than anything she'd thought of before began to unfold right in front of her. She shook her head gently, her bottom lip trembling as she felt her body grow cold. The disabling fear had completely taken over her, weighing heavy on her shoulders and back, its weight was enough to bring her to her knees.

She wanted to scream. Stay back-go away. Anything to make them leave her alone.

But only one thing came out.

" Barry.. "

Willow's teeth chattered and her lungs emptied. She quietly expelled his name, her body tensing up as the men neared her, closing the distance between her and them. Her hips hit unevenly against a dining room table, causing her body to recoil and for most of the glassware to fall off the table and break. Her shoulders faced forward, and her palms rested against the fabric cloth that lined the table behind her. Willow's weary eyes faded some as her adrenaline peaked and began to exhaust her.

Really, Barry?

Willow whispered to herself, angry that she was relying on a man who had so many other things weighing on his shoulders. Angry that with all of her knowledge and all of her degrees, that she couldn't think of a way out of this.

She ran one of her hands against the fabric feverishly, eventually picking up a small butter knife. Willow swallowed hard, her hand shaking as she brought it up to face them. Both men looked at each other, amused by her gesture, they shared a short lasting grin with one another before closing in on her.

" Look who came to play! Lover-boy! "

Willow recoiled as a hand touched her bare shoulder, her body bending away and flinching, causing the hand's grip to become tighter. She looked up bewildered, her green eyes immediately began to fill with relief and frustration. She was frustrated that she couldn't protect herself, upset that she had to rely on someone else to keep her safe. But Barry, he looked at her with something much deeper than the simple emotions she was feeling.

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