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26| A warm day in June

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26| A warm day in June

Willow hadn't had a moment to herself in nearly nine hours.  She'd rushed through work at breakneck speed, helping train more staff, putting out fires in the ER, and nearly vomiting on her way out as she received an ominous email about a one-on-one meeting between her and chairmen of the hospital. She'd rushed home and was surprised to walk into an empty house. Barry was due home at any moment and hadn't left any messages. She'd grabbed the mail off the smooth wooden floor to her apartment, clumsily tossing it on the counter as she pulled her hair out of its tight bun and let out a ridiculously loud groan. She immediately felt better as she stripped the dirty clothes from her body and fumbled around, as she tried to undress and not fall over when an envelope caught her attention.

The letter in question was in a soft pink envelope and had elegantly curved handwriting. Addressed to Barry Allen, Willow stared at the envelope with extreme suspicion. In her brazier and underwear, Willow stared menacingly at her kitchen counter. Her tired eyes were unsure how much overthinking she should be putting into this. Barry always communicated with her, sometimes too much. He was forward and honest. She didn't have anything to worry about. But still, she took a few soft steps forward and picked up the envelope. The letters on the front were handwritten, and the return address was to a women's address. Lois Lane was very carefully written in the corner of the letter. Willow took a deep breath, knowing she was overtired and should be focusing on a meal and shower, but this wouldn't leave her alone.

She picked up the parcel and brought it up to her face and immediately she realized it smelled like perfume. Willow's face scrunched as she picked up her phone and called Barry, still carefully examining the paper and handwriting when she got his voicemail.

" Barry hey it's me, you were supposed to be home a few minutes ago. Please let me know you're okay. Also, you have some mail at home," she paused knowing that of course Barry had mail at the home they shared together. She needed to recover.

" Actually one of the letters looks pretty important, maybe I should open it for you. "

She lingered on the line again for a moment, her body suddenly flinching as a familiar pulse of air and electricity rushed by her, and she remained still, frozen in place. Barry appeared suddenly and Willow ended her call while still brooding. His civilian clothes were a little dirty, and his shirt had a rip in it, indicating he'd run into some trouble on his way home.

" New hospital uniform, " Barry ignored Willow's light scowl and smiled sheepishly as his hands eagerly reached out to touch the bare parts of her body. Willow stepped back but Barry was faster, cheekily grinning a charming smile as he rushed forward and kissed her.

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