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24 | Skinned Knees

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24 | Skinned Knees


Violet and blue hues surrounded her and Willow began to forget she was in danger as her body felt weightless. The vortex was screaming around her, but inside of it she was safe. Her body remained on the ground, but her hair and clothing lifted just slightly, and as she looked up she could catch glimpses of Barry and then others of the man in the black suit. Short snaps of images that she would have missed if she wasn't in this strange whirlwind of colors. The vibrancy and consistency of the colors varied, and Willow noticed at the very top of the storm, where the whirlwind met the sky, something was beginning to open up. More ripples of energy and colors swirling above her and her eyes were stuck. This terrifying and incredibly beautiful rip in the sky was deepening and the longer Willow stared up at it, the more she could feel herself being invited within.

The area around the storm was becoming increasingly unstable, as Hal, Bruce and Oliver tried to keep the other two villains at bay, they had to also keep tabs on the landscape around them as the earth below their feet was cracking and shaking.

The yellow demon paused, his full figure finally visible as everyone looked up at the top of the tornado where the sky had literally opened up and was showing another area in space and time. A wide canine smile crossed Thawne's visible face as Barry had run fast enough that he'd torn an opening into The Speed Force.

Willow was simultaneously frozen in the moment and hurling towards the ascent into another dimension as wind and time intricately were spinning together as the two figures disappeared into the clouding twister. It was eerily silent and Willow couldn't take her eyes off of the show above her. All of the crazy shit she'd been through in this past year had bubbled to her surface as she'd nearly cracked, but for some reason, she was feeling at ease. The sky was mounting, thunderous and monstrous it rolled thickly into itself, building into a singularity that begged to consume everyone around it. The sudden appearance of a new face immediately caught Willow's attention as the spinning vortex swirled and clouded their identity, clearing for just a few fleeting moments, giving Willow just enough time to see the flickering image of Barry at the opening of the hole in the sky.

Of course, seeing Barry Allen wouldn't be anything unusual, Willow had known Barry almost a year and had seen him weekly since their first chaotic experience, but the Barry Allen that was looking down at her from above wasn't her Barry. The figure that loomed above her had on a specialized crimson suit of some kind, different than the one he wore now, and his helmet was off and back, revealing his short salt and pepper hair. He wasn't close enough to hear what he was saying, but she could see his startled expression the moment he spotted her, his eyes unwavering from hers she felt her heart tug.

" Barry!? " Willow called out into the chaos, the winds picking up more around her as it caused the storm to become unstable.

Shaking and rumbling as thunderous waves of energy pulsed from its epicenter, the hairs on Willow's arms rose as danger hung just above her, the energy that Barry had generated fighting Zoom was overflowing, and the rip in the sky was beginning to expand. The man in the sky, who looked so much like Barry, had disappeared, and in his place, a bolt of blue electricity shot from the tear and struck the two meta-humans that had been encircling Willow. The moment the bolt struck them the twister equalized, dissolving into energy, and was reabsorbed above. The intense flush of power circled Willow but didn't harm her. It threw the two meta's in separate directions and silenced just as quickly as it had started. Willow braced herself for the violent aftermath and was in complete disbelief as she opened her eyes and steadied herself, immediately looking up one last time as the man's silhouette remained inside the tear, vigilantly watching her as the tear finally closed.

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