四二:Problem Solving

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Your POV:







Holy shit!

What am I gonna do? My brother's are gonna be here and I can't hide these!

I don't have my makeup with me!

" Babe!" I shouted as I could hear him frantically get up and head toward his bathroom.

" WHAT?! Did you get hurt? Are your okay?" He asked a little panicked as I smiled a bit. He was still rubbing his eyes trying to rub the tiredness away.

" I'm okay, it's just that I can't cover up these hickey's that you decide to give me last night and it looked like we had some action in bed last night." I explained to him as he exhaled as the came closer to me.

" But we did have dome action in bed last night." He reminded me as I blushed a bit.

" Well, more than just kissing and giving hickey's." I told him as he 'oohed' at that.

" Um how about icing the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- holy crap I gave you a lot." He said as it just dawned on him.

" Yeah, you did. All places that I can kind of hi with my hair, but if I move my head a certain way, it will show. My brothers, especially Zhi are very observant." I informed him as he nodded.

" I'll grab you ice." He told as I nodded.

" Thank you." I replied as he left.

When he came back, he brought an ice pack and a cloth to wrap it in. I also saw him lay a hoodie on the bed as I became curious.

" Why is there a hoodie on your bed?" I questioned him while applying the ice pack on my hickey's.

" For you so you can wear it to hide them." He informed as I smiled at the thoughtfulness.

" Thank you babe." I said as he smiled as me.

I looked back to see how dark the hickey's were and I guess the ice is lightening them a bit which I good.

" Oh babe, you can take a shower if you want." Lu Xia offered as I nodded.

I took a shower and then I decided to put the hoodie on. I placed the ice pack on his bed while I put the hoodie over my head, It was cozy and warm. The good part is that it smelled like Lu Xia which is always a benefit.


" Hey Zhi and Yu. Thank s for picking me up, 10 infuse early than you're supposed too." I told him as I pouted a bit. I walked back to the living room as I sat on the couch waiting for Lu Xia to get out of the shower. Zhi and Yu followed me and also sat on the couch.

" You're welcome sis." Yu stated as I rolled my eyes.

" Hello Zhou Zhi and Zhou Yu." Lu XIa greeted them as he enter the living room with a towel in his hand drain this hair.

" Thank you for letting her stay over. I'll see you during practice Lu Xia." Zhi said as he smiled and Lu Xia smiled back.

" You too Zhou Zhi. Bye Zhou Yu, see you later." Lu Xia replied as I got up and went over to hug him as I pecked his lips. His arms wrapped around my waist as I had my arms around his neck.

" I love you. I'll bring out the basket of things." He whispered to me a I smiled while pecking him on the cheek.

" Okay, thank you. I love you." I told him as he smiled and let go while going his bedroom.

" Aren't you coming?" Yu asked me as they were almost at the door while I stayed in my place in the living room.

" Yeah, in a minute. Lu Xia got me some things because of the incident. He just had to get it from his room."

" Oh okay." Zhi said as I smiled knowing that he understood.

" Wait, what incident?" Yu question ed as I just smiled at him weakly thinking about the incident.

" U-Uh...I'll tell you later." I reassured him as he nodded understandingly.

" Here you go babe." Lu Xia said as he had the basket with he candle, some snacks we didn't open and the stuffed animal. I smiled at the sight of it as I took I and then gave one last kiss goodbye and then bid Lu Xia good bye.

As Zhi, Yu, and I walked home, they started to ask me how my time was there.

" It was good, relaxing." I told him vaguely as there is no way in hell I'm telling that I slept int he same bed as Lu Xia and that I have five hickey's that I'm hiding from both of you.

" That's good. What do you have in the basket?" Yu curiously asked as I gladly answered.

" Well, originally I had milk tea, some candy and snacks that Lu Xia and I ate. They were good, we ate them while watching a movie or a T.V. show." I informed him as he nodded.


Monday came around as I walked with Lu Xia to our class hand in hand as we were just minding our won business. This wa one of the few times that Lu XIa and I showed affection in public since our parents and family knows that we're dating. Some students were still shocked that Zhou Zhi's little sister got taken.

I could tell that some boys were a bit jealous as I felt Lu Xia wrap and arm around my waist.

" What? I didn't know that Zhou Jia is dating him! Did you know?"

" No, I didn't!"

I heard the two guys gossip about us as I just decided to ignore them. They can dream, but it will never become a reality.

When we got into the classroom as classes started. To be honest, I just want to practice tennis and go home to sleep.

Is that too much to ask?

Later, classes were over and Lu Xia and I made out way to the courts as we enjoyed our alone time before it was interrupted by my brother, or the other players like Jiale, Qiao Chen or A Mu.

They always greet us when Lu Xia and I walk in. Qiao Chen takes Lu Xia away to talk to him as Jiale does the same thing. It's cute, but sometime it's annoying.

When we greeted the team, Zhi lead us right to the lounge where we held meetings. Some of our teammates were there and also walking with us.

" Zhou Zhi told us what happend between Qiao Ze....we want to help you and protect you if you let us." Yan straight forwardly said as Lu Xia and I sat down.

" Okay, I'm so grateful for all of you, thank you." I told them as they have smiles on their faces.

I explained what Qiao Ze told me as there expressions turned from concern to annoyed and Baiyang's and Qiao Chen's enraged expression.

Dayong and Zhi calmed them down as I continued to explain. We got Coach Na involved while we brainstorm how we're going to handle this maturely and to try not to make anything worse.

I just hope this works and we can get this thing done and over with.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for over 5k views!🥳🤩

Stay safe and healthy!

I hope you have great day and night!

Stay tuned for the next upload

- Chloe

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