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  "Are you sure you haven't a single coin left?" (Y/N) asked as Taehyun turned his coin pouch upside down. 

  "Not a single one," he sighed, rubbing his forehead, hoping he could come up with an idea.

  They had three more nights to spent at the tavern before they met with Daniel again, and Taehyun had ran out of coins to pay for the room. Taehyun hadn't expected to stay in the tavern for more than a day or two, so with the expenses of staying and eating, he had quickly run out of coins.

  He sat down on the bed, staring at the coin pouch resting on his leg. He bit the inside of his cheek as he thought.

  "Here," the rogue in front of him sighed, tossing him a pouch. "I'm not sure how much is in it, but I nabbed it from a random guy a while back," she told him, picking at the frayed edges of her cloak.

  "Doesn't this make you feel guilty?" Taehyun asked, lifting the coin pouch from where it had just landed on his lap.

  "Not one bit," she shrugged.

  "You don't feel guilty about stealing from people who may need each and every coin?" Taehyun asked, stressing the importance. He knew that he would've felt bad. He would've felt horrible had he stolen from those who need it.

  "I don't have to explain myself to you. Just know that I only take what I need," she muttered, shooting him a glare.

Taehyun sighed again, looking guiltily at the pouch before opening it. There weren't many coins, but there were enough for the rest of the nights stay, plus a little food here and there.

"You sleep in your cloak?" Taehyun asked, trying to change the subject.

"It makes me feel more comfortable," she mumbled, laying her head down on an extra pillow.

"What kind of skills do you have?" He asked again, tilting his head curiously.

"I'm stealthy and I'm good at taking things. I have very limited combat training, but I'm sure I could hold my own against any average person. Other than that I..." she paused. "I can speak in other tongues and I know a few spells, but not enough to be considered a magic users."

"You speak other tongues?" Taehyun asked. Taehyun knew there were a few different languages spoken in OtherWorld. The dwarves spoke Khuzdul and the elves spoke Sindarin whilst those on those in Eboncross, and most other human populations spoke in the Westron tongue. Considering the relationship between humans and elves, Taehyun immediately assumed she knew Khuzdul. "How much Khuzdul do you speak?"

"A little," she shrugged.

  "I only speak the Westron tongue. There aren't many dwarves in Whitecrest Mountain, so it isn't spoken frequently enough," Taehyun explained, laying back on the bed, his legs dangling off the edge.

  "I see," (Y/N) responded, leaning against the wall.

  "You aren't much of a talker, are you?" Taehyun asked, lifting his head slightly.

  "I don't talk to others often," she replied, shrugging slightly.

  A silence befell the room. Taehyun laid his head back down and closed his eyes. (Y/N) stayed leaning against the wall, looking out the window to see the crowds walking through the streets. Taehyun began to grow restless, his toes wriggling around. He sighed and sat up quickly.

  "I'm going to the market. Will you accompany me?" Taehyun asked, looking her straight in the eye.

  "Why are you going to the market?" (Y/N) asked, standing up straight.

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