Quick Note

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Something has been weighing heavily on my mind. Though no one who's read the story has mentioned it, I still don't like it and it personally bugs me.

In previous chapters of this story, I use lots of descriptors for appearance for the main character. I usually don't do this in my stories because people come in all shapes, sizes, colours, etc. I don't like to narrow my character down to a certain look. I like to let the reader imagine who they want because it is a reader insert, so even if they aren't using themselves, they still get to imagine their character.

In this story, the main character is a half elf. With this comes a few problems with appearance. Elves are typically very fair and pale in skin tone. I don't want to limit the main character to being a pale skin tone at all. I've tried to limit my use of the descriptions of skin colour because I genuinely don't want to push them into a category of being only white. I want to be inclusive. I don't think I've described them as pale but I believe in chapter 17, I did use a descriptor of the skin that indicated the main character's skin tone was lighter than someone with dark skin.

  I really don't want to limit the way the character looks so I hope that term was inclusive enough. I also used a descriptor of the hair several times and I've dictated the length. Once again, this is not to limit the appearance of the main character. Elves typically have long hair and fishtail type braids in them. I based my type of elf off of D&D descriptors of elves which is where the fair skin comes into play, though I've tried to avoid that as much as possible, and the hair of the elves in the story is based around the elves in movies like Lord Of The Rings, although those movies are problematic in their own way. I'm not sure if it's because I've seen the movies and very few other representations of elves, but when I see the hairstyles in the movies, that's what I imagine of elves.

  I also use gendered pronouns as well. I use She/Her. If anyone with different pronouns were to show interest in any of my stories, I am completely willing to rewrite any of my stories using different pronouns. I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in it, but I've thought about doing it a lot.

  Anyways, I'm not sure why it's bugging me so much. No one else has mentioned it but it still weighs heavy on my mind. It's not my intention to exclude anyone in the descriptors of this character and whenever I write stories, I always tend to avoid describing the main character because I prefer to leave it to open interpretation. I don't like it when stories push characters into looking a specific way so I try my hardest not to do that. I hope I've done well so far in this story with limiting descriptors that could exclude anyone and if I'm sorry if I haven't. It really isn't my intention.

  Thank you for reading my story and this note. I'll try my best in the future to limit descriptive words of the main characters appearance and I'll work hard to make sure these stories are as inclusive as possible.

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