Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            I walked down to the field and I could see my mom talking to the baseball coach. I started jogging towards her and the coach to see what was going on. She had my bag on one shoulder and was talking to my coach, using her business winning smile.

“Hey mom” I said approaching them “what’s going on?”

“Oh, hey sweetie! This is Coach Kelly, he teaches the baseball team.”

“Do you hit like a girl?” he said cocking an eyebrow.

“Damn straight” I said smiling.

“I like her already! Why don’t you head to the locker rooms and get dressed in some appropriate clothes? Those jeans will not work.” He said looking at my jeans.

“Oh! See mom?!” I said taking my baseball bag from her and slinging it on my own shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah sure but I didn’t know you would be trying out for this today! Go get dressed.” She said goodbye and thank you to the coach and walked back to the car and went back home, I think. I went to the girls locker rooms and got into my Nike shorts and pulled on my cleats. I took my mitt out of my hand and smiled to myself, nice to have my mitt on. I put my bag back on my shoulder and walked back to the field.

“Alright, we’re gonna start practice by doing some stretches. Kat, why don’t you start by running 25 times around the bases. Then Bradley, Brock, Ryan, Hance, Collin, Jonathan, and Lorenzo you can end it. Go!” Coach yelled. I start out my run; I’m actually a really good runner, so I started out a bit slow. After I got home the first time Bradley started behind me, I began to pick up my pace. He did the same. Every time I would hit home and pick up my pace, he would do the same. By the time we got to Hance we were almost neck in neck. I started full out sprinting when we got to Collin. Bradley tried to match my pace but kept failing behind. Girl power. When I finished my last lap Bradley was a lot farther behind then I thought, it was to the point where Brock was about to beat him. Coach came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at him. “How’s your batting, Love?”

“Better than you would think.” I said watching as Bradley pulled ahead at the last second and came home.

“And your pitching?”

“I’m pretty good. I could show you, if you want.”

“Get a ball. Finish up your laps boys then start warming up by throwing back and forth” Coach said to the rest of the team. He lead me over to the other side of the field and we started throwing a ball back and forth. We started talking about each others backgrounds. He’s 25 years old, graduated from Notre Dame with almost perfect scores; he was the star pitcher of the baseball team. He’s married and his wife is pregnant. I gave him my history, especially about my softball background. “ Alright, Love,  lets see your pitching.” I pitched a fastball and caught it effortlessly he snapped his head up at me with a shocked look on his face.

“What?” I asked probably looking like a retarded baby compared to him.

“That was amazing!” he said jumping in the air. Coach Kelly is 6’5” and weighs 230 pounds, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, so he looks like a giant teenager, but right then he looked like he belonged in kindergarten.

“Seriously?!” I said jumping a little.

“Completely! Where did you learn?” That’s a bit of a touchy subject for me.

“Um, my dad taught me before he got arrested.” I said smirking.

“Well, you’re so good! Kat, we need you on this team, honestly I don’t know if we’d be able to winner without you.” He said getting serious.

“Um, YES!” we walked back to the field, and I was legit skipping.

“What’s up with her?” Bradley said throwing the ball back to Brock.

“Oh nothing she’s just…” he stopped and looked down at me and I looked up at him. They couldn’t know that he already picked me for the team, especially since I’m taking Bradley’s imaginary space. “She’s um, high.” Woah what?

“She’s what?” Bradley said dropping the ball.

“She’s high.” He said continuing to walk to the dugout.

“Oh, yeah of course I’m high, off of baseball” I said rolling my eyes.

“Alright everyone gather around.” Coach said motioning towards us at home plate.

“The list will be up Friday morning outside of the athletics office. Go home and get some rest and we’ll see who made it.” I started walking towards the parking lot where I knew my mom wouldn’t be.

“Kat, wait!” I closed my eyes and turned around. Standing in front of me was none other than, Brock Myers.

“Oh, hey Brock?” I said questioning why he was talking to me.

“Hey, so I was just wondering if you remember when we were little and I came to your house and you, me, and Blake swam in your pool for 8 straight hours and refused to leave the pool?” I smiled because I did remember that. Brock and I used to be really good friends when we were little. “Kat, do you wanna come over for a bit?”

“Well, maybe for just a little while.” I said. I sent a text to my mom and Brady.

Me: Going to Brock’s house for a while. I can walk home.

Brady is extremely sexay: Brock Myer’s? Like the dickhead Brock Myers?

Me: Well, yeah I guess.

Brady is extremely sexay: good luck.


Mommy: Arlight be safe use condoms.

Me: Ew, mom not with Brock

Mommy: Just saying! Alright love you!

Me: Yeah, Yeah love you mom.


Authors Note: So she made the team, we think. Oh and now Brock is inviting Kat over his house, how is this gonna go? Feedback please! Thank you for reading

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