Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When I got home from work I put my bike in the garage and went into the kitchen. No one was home, Blake texted me saying that he was going to Brady's house to hang out and will most likely be there all night or he'll just sleep over. This means, I have the whole house to myself, I would have invited Chloe over but she's at work till eleven, and frankly I just need some peace and quiet. I ordered a large pepperoni pizza- my favorite- then went downstairs to my bathroom to take a shower, again. The warm water rinsed off all the dirt and grime from the baseball ball field and washed all my worries away. I got out of the shower and threw my long brown hair into a ponytail and pulled on my pajamas. I didn't have any homework since it was the first day of school so I turned on my music (Sleeping With Sirens) and started flipping through a baseball magazine. 20 minutes later my pizza came and I ate the whole thing, and downed down almost a whole liter of coke. Around 11:30 I crawled into my bed and started falling asleep.

*****Fast Forward to Friday*****

When I got to school I went straight to my locker, hoping I would be able to beat Bradley. Wrong. He was leaning against his locker when I got there, with a huge grin on his face.

"What's up with you?" I asked, opening my locker and started putting my books in my book bag.

"Did you see the listings for the team?"

"No, I didn't have time yet I just came straight to my locker. Did everybody make it?"

"I few little amateurs didn't make it but all the boys did and you too." His grin grew a little bit more. "You know what that means don't you?"

"What, Bradley?"

"For the rest of the year, you'll be spending almost every afternoon and weekend with me. We will be going on trips together and I will see you in many different outfits, plus, I heard you'll most likely be pitcher this season which means I'll most likely be third base and I can stare at your ass all day long." He stepped away from me and grinned. At that moment all this anger built up inside of me. I was never one to be hit on and I do not like it. I reached up and punched Bradley straight in the cheek. He whimpered a little but suddenly regained his tough boy look, but still cradled his cheek.

"Next time, you'll think before you hit on the toughest girl in school. See ya tonight, Bradley, my ass is ready to be stared at." And with that I grabbed my book bag and walked down the hall. I turned around to make sure he was looking and I winked at him, he smirked and went back to putting his stuff in his book bag. Suddenly, Natalie and her best friend, Abby showed up in front of me.

"Kat, I heard you made the baseball team!" Natalie said a little too happily.

"Um, yeah I did. How did you find out?"

"Oh, it's all over the school! Plus Brock told me, while we were- nevermind."

"Tell her the good news, Naty!" Abby encouraged.

"Well, since volleyball is about to start and baseball exercises and what not, I don't care, started we'll see you around at the locker rooms!"

"We will?" Chloe asked suddenly coming up beside me with a red lollipop.

"Chloe! Does that mean you're trying out?" Natalie asked, pretty much jumping up and down way to happily.

"Yeah, I guess, I mean, I have nothing else to do so why not? Hey, Kat, it's almost time to go to homeroom, walk me there?" Chloe said pulling on my sleeve of my hoodie.

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