Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The boys and I were standing in the middle of the empty street with only the soft glow of the moon and the street lights above us. The boys were argueing over gay ballerinas and sports and I was watching with amusement, Liam still had his arm around me and it was making my whole body tingle with excitement.

“Dude, call me fabulous one more time and I will knock out those pretty little teeth of yours.” JT threatened.

“Aw come on, JT, not in front of this beautiful, fine, little piece of heaven.” Wes took my hand and kissed it.

“Mine.” Liam’s eyes darkened as he glared at Wes, who had now dropped my hand and backed away from me into the little crowd of boys.

“It’s fine, we’re not dating or anything.” I shrugged away Liam’s arm and backed towards my truck which was still sitting on the curb, where did my mom go? “So, um, I have to go find my mom.” I looked at the street ahead of me that my mom went down what seemed like hours ago, had it only been minutes ago that she left?

“Do you want us to come with you?” Liam asked.

“Naw, I’ll be alright, thanks though. I’m pretty tough, you know.”

“Oh, I noticed the day you told Natalie off, and nearly killed Bradley.” My heart skipped a beat when Bradley was said.

“I’ll see you guys later!” I started on down the vacant street and immediately realized that this was a terrible idea. Walking down an sketchy dark street by myself? Great idea, Kat.

I kept my eyes fixed in front of me and kept walking not looking back, and thinking on the positive side of things. At least I exscapted that awkwardness of hanging out with Liam who was acting all weird when Wes was hitting on me.

I like those boys, as friends of course, they were so nice. I hope I can keep them as close friends-


I stopped in my tracks. Someone was defiantly behind me, they were following me. I didn’t dare look behind me, fearing what could be there so I started slowing walking down the empty street. Maybe it wasn’t even a person, I’m so hungry after all, I could hallucinating.


This time I didn’t stop, I kept walking and picked up my pace to a fast walk. I didn’t even try to look over my shoulder instead I tried to again fix my eyes on my destination.


Who was that and why were they following me? I picked up my pace even more to a jog, still not looking back.

Step. Step. Step.

They were running now. I started to full out sprint not even looking where I was running and tripped over a rock. I fell on the hard concrete, and tried to get up but something, or someone, was holding me down.

“Get off of me!” I screamed.

“Who are you and why were you talking to those boys back there?”  The mystery figured asked gently.

“My friends!” I tried to get up but the figure who we’ll call: Mr. Creep, was standing on my leg.

“Avoid them, wouldn’t want a pretty face like yours to get hurt, now.” He got off my leg and walked down a dark alley.

Who was that?

Better yet, why were the boys dangerous?

What is going on.

Author’s Note: I’m backk! Sorry again for not updating I’ve lliterally had no time in the past 2/3 weeks. Short chapter, I know but, dramaaa! I’ll update really soon to see what happens next. Keep reading!

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