"Good morning my lovely friend," Rudy greeted me as I met him down in the lobby of the apartment building.
"Hi Rudy," I smiled as he handed me some coffee, "Thank you. What do you have planned for today?"
"Well, you can find out as soon as we get there," he grinned holding out his arm for me to link with.
I laughed as he led me to his car. Rudy and I both had today off and he decided we should have some "best friend time" together. I think it was mainly to keep me from moping in bed and make sure I was doing better. I wasn't yet, but I was getting there. Because of this, today was the first day I had actually tried to look presentable outside of work.
Chase Stokes
I hope you have a great day. I love you."Who is it?" Rudy asked as soon as he heard the notification.
"It's Chase. He just said he hopes we have a great day," I smiled responding to him before putting my phone away. I had been able to keep myself off my phone the last few days and it definitely was helping.
"Tell him I'm stealing his gal away from him," he laughed as we pulled out of the parking lot.
"As if," I shot back, "Dating you? Disgusting."
"Wow, I had this whole day planned for the two of us. We can just turn around and go back now," he said seriously, before he let out a chuckle.
"I'm kidding. I'll be your wing woman though," I suggested.
"Oh yeah? And who are you gonna find for me?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I don't know. I gotta vibe them out."
"Vibe them out?" Rudy questioned, glancing at me.
"Yeah, see if they match our vibes," I explained and he nodded, "Just like Chase, they're gonna be stuck with our friendship. Gotta make sure they can handle us."
"That's true," he agreed.
"Alright, you gonna tell me where we're going?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.
"We're almost there," he responded, but that was all he had said.
We drove listening to the radio with the windows rolled down and the warm summer breeze filling the air. Rudy drove to the downtown area where there was a park filled with people all heading towards the center where a farmer's market was stationed.
"A farmer's market?" I asked as we got out.
"Yeah, I thought shopping would be fun," he told me and I smiled, nodding in agreement.
We followed the few groups of people that were heading into the market and there were dozens of tents set up, each with their own produce and products.
"What do you wanna do first?" Rudy asked.
"I don't even know where to begin," I laughed. We decided to just make our way down the rows of tents, stopping at anything that interested us.
"Ooh, we should get produce to make dinner tonight," Rudy suggested.
"Oh, are we going on a date?" I teased and Rudy shoved his shoulder into mine. We went over to a large tent, gathering anything that we thought would work. I looked up recipes to see what we could make. "We could do like a veggie pizza?" I suggested.
"With maybe a side salad?" Rudy gestured to all the vegetables.
"I could make a pie too," I added. We got to work and once we had everything, we brought it to the stand owner and purchased everything. They packed it all into two paper bags for us and we continued our way around the market. I took some time going through another tent that had some homemade candles and purchased one. "This is so fun," I smiled as made our way through the rest of the park. One of our last stops was at a flower stand where we got a bouquet of flowers to put in my apartment.

Dreamboat | Chase Stokes Love Story
FanfictionRosalie is offered the opportunity of a lifetime and is casted into the new Netflix series Outer Banks. This is her first big break and she uproots her life to go live the dream she had been working so hard to reach. Luckily the cast becomes the bes...