Chapter 22

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It had been two days since I had last left the apartment. The storm had raged on and would only stop for a few hours before it continued. We had postponed filming until the storm cleared but there wasn't an end in sight. My friend group kept getting together and I had dodged their calls not wanting to face anyone especially a certain person.

They had invited me and Maddie to come hang out with them in whoever's apartment was hosting that day. Maddie ended up going after the first few invites but I decided to stay home. She just told them that I wasn't feeling the best. It was true though the weather made me feel even more emotional than I had in the beginning.

I sat in bed for the past few days only getting up to eat and go to the bathroom. Maddie would come in towards the end of the night and we would watch a movie together. Today I had actually made it out of my room and sat on the couch curled up in a ball with my comforter. Everyone was over in Austin and JD's apartment having a video game day. I was watching yet another tv show when the front door busted open and there was a loud commotion.

"Rosalie! Pack your bags we're going on a vacation!" Rudy announced as he walked in followed by everyone else.

"What?" I asked still laying out on the couch noticing Chase towards the back of the group but not making eye contact.

"We are being evacuated. They want us all to head to North Carolina where it'll be safer from the hurricane headed this way," Maddie explained.

"What? When are we leaving?" I asked, pausing the show I was watching.

"In the next few hours, so you better get packing," Drew answered jumping over the side of the couch and landing beside me.

"Why did you all come to tell me this?" I asked.

"Uh, because we missed you?" Rudy asked falling to lay out on my legs.

"Snuggle party!" Maddie said before everyone was piled up on top of me.

"Okay, well you guys told me, so y'all can leave now," I groaned underneath the weight of everyone.

"Nah, I'm pretty comfortable right now," JD answered.

"Well didn't you just say that we're leaving soon? So like, shouldn't you go pack?" I asked.

"She's got a point," Austin agreed before they all piled off.

"Okay, how much am I even supposed to pack?" I asked Maddie when everyone had left.

"I mean, I'm not sure," she shrugged, "They're not sure how long we're going to be evacuated for. We all received a email and text informing us of what was going on."

"Well hopefully I pack enough. Are we all driving together?" I asked walking into my room.

"I think so. Erica said that anyone that was leaving their car here to leave their keys with her. I guess a few people are staying here to make everything remains intact," she answered as I pulled out my duffel to start packing.

The group chat had said that we should take two cars so that we had enough space for all of our stuff we were packing. I packed enough clothes for a week and a half which was probably overkill but I always overpacked. I grabbed one of my fuzzy blankets for the car ride along with a pillow and all toiletries from the bathroom. I put on a white knitted strapless crop top along with some yellow striped shorts so that I would be comfy for the long drive.

After that I went into the kitchen grabbing a reusable bag and stuffing it with any snacks that we could bring with us including the alcohol of course. Maddie dumped her stuff in the living room as well and helped with anything left in the kitchen. She took her stuff down along with the food to the car. While I collected everything and went to find Erica to give her our keys. I shoved my pillow over the top of my bag as I made one last sweep of the room before locking the door behind me. Erica was down in the lobby with basket full of keys. She made note of what car was mine along with my key and said I was set to go. Outside it was still slightly raining but not as harshly as it had the last few days. I covered my face from the rain and looked around to see where they would be parked. A car honked at me and I saw Maddie waving out the window in the back seat and I ran towards the truck she was in.

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