Chapter 27

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"What do you think about this?" Maddie asked holding up a blue crop top with a knot tied in the middle.

"I like it! You could do some white shorts with that and get some kind of red accessory," I told her. Elaine, Maddie and I had decided to go shopping for the Fourth of July party that we were going to be having tonight at our Airbnb. Jonas and his family were coming over along with any other crew and families in the area. We had gotten up early to shop so that we could get back and start making some food. I had picked out a white tube top and red shorts with white stripes and a cute bow on the front.

"We're going to look like the most basic girls ever," Elaine laughed. She had picked out a white dress that had red and blue stars on it. The three of us wanted to coordinate each color so we'd each have one. Yes, it might have been basic as Elaine had said but it was more fun to match anyways. After we finished shopping we headed to the store to pick up groceries. We split up each taking our own list. I was in charge of all thing snacks so I grabbed chips, Fourth of July decorated cookies and cookies that I could make back at the house. I grabbed a veggie tray and fruit tray along with some other snacks. Maddie was getting the main food like the burgers and steaks while Elaine was in charge of all things alcohol.

Over the past week everything had been really great with Chase. We had sneaky dates every so often. One day we had snuck out late at night and went stargazing, another day we went for breakfast again. It was nice getting to just to talk one on one and get to know each other more.

"You ready to go?" Maddie asked pulling me out of my thoughts as she pulled her cart up beside me.

"Yeah, have you seen Elaine?" I asked.

"I haven't but we can get in line and start packing up the car and she'll catch up," she answered and I nodded.

Once we had gotten through check out we went to JD's car that we had borrowed. The guys were all going to look for places to buy fireworks so they had taken Chase's truck. Elaine came out and met us just as we were finishing up our portion of the groceries.

"Jesus, this is a lot of stuff," Maddie said as we closed the trunk. We had needed to put down the far back seat to fit everything. I climbed into the back while the other two sat in front.

Maddie drove us back to the house where it looked like the guys weren't back yet. They still needed to help move around stuff in the backyard so that we'd be able to seat everyone. I dropped our clothing bags up in our room before meeting back down in the kitchen to get started on the cooking and baking. Elaine was going to make mac and cheese while I made the cookies. I wasn't good at making them from scratch but had gotten the prepackaged sugar and chocolate chip cookies from the store.

"What time is everyone coming over?" I asked Maddie.

"I believe they'll be here around four or so," she answered.

It was noon now so plenty of time to get everything ready and take a shower. I started with the sugar cookies putting them on a pan as the oven heated up.  I grabbed Rudy's portable speaker, "What do we wanna listen to?" I asked the girls.

"Can we listen to like Taylor Swift or something? Stuff that we can't listen to around the guys cause they won't like it," Elaine asked.

"Of course!" I nodded before putting on a playlist of Taylor Swift songs and blasting it super loud for us to sing along to. I put the cookies in the oven then started preparing the chocolate chip cookies for the next batch. Elaine started setting up the table that we'd have all the food on with the snacks.

"What the hell is going on in here?!"

I was pulling out the sugar cookies when I heard someone yell. We all looked towards the door and Rudy walked in and turned down the music a bit.

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