Chapter 21

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To keep myself from getting bombarded with questions and wanting to be with my own thoughts, I decided to go grab a few things from the grocery store to make sure we had enough food in case the storm got worst. It hadn't let up since we started filming. As much as I wanted to forget about today, I couldn't. It was absolutely everything I wanted and more and it meant absolutely nothing to him.

I shook my head pulling myself out of my thoughts, realizing I had stopped in the middle of the store and was just spacing out. I continued down the aisle I was currently in, grabbing a few items off the shelves. How was I supposed to act natural now around Chase? Kissing him, though was the greatest thing in the world, was also the absolute worst because it only heightened my feelings for him. I had no idea what I was going to do now and I felt like I was on the verge of tears.

Once I had everything I needed I went to check out and head home. I zipped up my rain jacket as I ran for the lobby with my arms filled with groceries and my hood fell soaking my hair yet again. One of the bags ripped and I had to grab the few boxes that had fell and try to carry them all in my arms. I finally made it to the apartment and kicked the door since I wasn't able to open it myself. Maddie swung it open and I ran for the counter dropping everything onto it before anything else would fall.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She asked and I nodded taking my jacket and shoes off so I wouldn't trek any water anywhere, "Is everything okay?" She asked after I was silent, "How was filming today?"

I took a deep breath trying to collect my thoughts but before anything came out I felt the hot tears fall from my face and I let out a soft sob.

"Babe, are you okay?" Maddie asked rushing to me to give me a hug, "What's wrong?"

I cried into her shoulder trying to figure out to answer and didn't know what to say.

"Here, come sit down," she said pulling me over to the couch, we sat cross legged facing each other as I tried to compose myself. She handed me some tissues and I took them trying to clean up my face.

I composed myself and Maddie waited patiently for me to answer while I let all of my feelings out at once, "I just.." I started, trying to figure out what to say, "It just sucks so much cause..." I paused again as my breath caught, "I don't know, I just really like him and today was really really great but it didn't mean anything. My feelings are all multiplied by a thousand and I don't know what to do."

"Hon, it's okay," Maddie reached over to rub my shoulder as I started to cry again.

"I know. It just sucks. I'm just overemotional," I told her.

"And that's okay," she gave me another hug, "Come on, we can have just a girls night."

I nodded, "I bought some wine and pasta."

"Perfect, that sounds great and we can put on a movie," she said squeezing my hand before she got up to help put the groceries away. I sat at the counter opening the bottle of wine as she started to boil the water for the pasta. "You just sit there and relax and I'll do all the work."

We sat talking about just random stuff to keep my mind occupied. The group chat was blowing up with texts of everyone wondering if the group wanted to hang out. Maddie had responded that I was feeling kind of sick from being out in the cold and rain all day. We sat at our table and Maddie just listened to me go on and on about my feelings. "Like I was so dumb and had said that we were gonna keep it professional which knocked out any chance that I had with him thinking I had any feelings towards him. Which I guess I had kinda wanted but I thought I'd at least have a chance," I rambled.

"But how do you know he doesn't have feelings for you?" Maddie asked.

"How do we know if he doesn't? If I tell him and he says yeah I really don't like you that way what am I supposed to do for the rest of the summer?" I asked, "Cause I'll definitely be hiding away for the rest of my life. I can't handle a rejection like that."

"You won't know unless you try," she shrugged.

"Yeah, I'd rather not," I shook my head, "No boy that looks the way he does would ever even glance my way. The only reason he has is because we work together. He's also like what twenty-seven? I'm five years younger than that. He probably looks at me like a child."

"I doubt that. We're all adults here anyways," she answered.

"Yeah, but I'm probably just some dumb blonde that is always getting drunk out of my mind or something. Like how many times has he taken care of me while doing that?" I asked.

"Exactly, that shows that he cares about you," she answered.

"I mean I wouldn't know. Half the time I barely remember what has happened. Oh my god, what if I already spilled all my secrets to him while drunk?" I gasped remembering how he had joked that I confessed my undying love for him.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have. The worst you'd be is a bit flirty maybe," she answered.

"Honestly I just need to just stop drinking all together to keep myself from acting stupid," I said pushing my glass of wine away from me.

"You and I both know that's a lie," Maddie laughed and I nodded grabbing the glass again, "I definitely believe you're overthinking this all. I know it sucks but maybe just see what happens. Maybe he'll show his true colors and you'll find that he's into you too," she shrugged.

"God, I could only hope."

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