Chapter 45

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"I can't believe we're almost done. This is crazy," Elaine shook her head as we sat in our trailer together.

"Yeah, I don't even want to think about it or I'll get sad," I sighed touching up my make-up for our scene today. Today was the start of the last episode for the season. It felt like we had just started filming but we were already pretty much through the entire summer. I still had no plans as to what was next. As of right now, it was going back home to my parents until I could get my next job.

"I'm going to be spending every waking moment with you guys for the next two weeks," Elaine told me and I laughed.

"Sounds like a plan. You can just come live on our couch or I can kick Chase out and you can sleep with me," I answered.

"Uh, what?" Chase asked walking out of the bathroom after he had changed into his wardrobe.

"Nothing," I smiled, "Just girl things."

Luckily Elaine's radio went off and we were being called to set.

"Oh look at the time, we gotta go," Elaine giggled leading us out before Chase could ask anything else.

It was late. In the beginning scene, John B. and Sarah were on the run from the cops as Ward had told them that John B. tried to kill him and had killed Sheriff Peterkin. It wasn't too long of a scene but we'd pick up where we left off tomorrow. We were placed outside the house and filmed the breaking in part while there were cops out looking for us along the street and then we had the scene inside. A bunch of blankets and pillows were placed on the ground for us to lay in. Chase laid down first and I came in second getting comfortable beside him.

"This is weird," I said watching as everyone around us was making sure they had a good shot.

"What? You don't like cuddling?" Chase chuckled.

"Not with literally everyone staring at us," I answered, before he could respond they were ready to start filming. We sat up and as they called action we laid down staring up at the ceiling.

"Wow," Chase said pointing his flashlight at the constellation painting on the ceiling.

"Sweet, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered softly, "Hey, did you know the, uh...the bottom two stars in the little dipper point to the North..."

"The North Star?" I finished tilting my head towards him. He faced me and smiled, "Yeah. That's the center point. What everything else spins around."

There was a siren played off camera and Chase sat up quickly gasping.

"It's okay. It's okay," I said putting a hand on his chest to settle him back down, "It's okay. I've got you."

I leaned in towards him placing a hand on his chin to rub his cheek, "Could you remind me of the happy ending?" He asked leaning his head onto mine.

"Yeah," I nodded, "We're gonna meet the crew at the dock tomorrow."

"Yeah," he said as I glanced up at him and his eyes were closed.

"Then they're gonna have the getaway boat," I continued.

"Then we go to Mexico," Chase finished.

"Yeah," I nodded before continuing on, "And you're gonna be a fishing instructor."

"You're damn right," he answered as his breathing started to slow back down.

"And I'm gonna have a sandwich shop," I added, "And we're gonna have a house on a beach...and a dog and a boat. We'll remake the Pogue. And everything's gonna be okay."

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