Breathe Me

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Help I have done it again. I have been here so many times before

That is exactly what I feel like. I wake up naked and confused in Perrie's guest bedroom. I sit up and groan, my head throbs and my whole body hurts.

"Kris are you in there" I hear El's voice on the other side of the door.

"Yeah" I call back, Ew my breath is thick with stale alcohol. I need a shower. Badly.

I come out of the bathroom a new person. After sitting in the shower for what felt forever, I combed my hair and brushed my teeth and put back on my clothes. I have no recollection of what happened last night except me alone with alcohol.

I open the door to face Liam.

"Liam?" I exclaim in disbelief "how? What?"

"Surprise!" He leans forward and lightly pecks my lips. He grabs my hand and drags me downstairs while I'm still in shock. Everyone is downstairs and as soon as I lay eyes on Harry every single detail of last night pools in my head. I gasp and drop Liam's hand. I feel disgusting and pathetic.

"Aw look at the perfect couple" Carly pipes walking pass us to the kitchen.

"Yeah they sure are perfect" Harry agrees. I inhale deeply locking eyes with him. He snorts and then laughs.

"Something funny mate?" Zayn asks

"Yeah Harry something funny?" I turn to Liam shaking my head.

"Just drop it" I whisper

"I just think it's funny how Kris-"

"SHIT" Carly yells from the kitchen followed by a loud clinking. For once in my life I'm grateful for the the stupid bitch.

"What happened?" Everyone asks walking to the kitchen.

"I cut my hand"

We clean up Carly's hand and I'm grateful when Liam leaves. He kisses me on the forehead and walks out, I turn to Harry.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I scream. Everyone picks ups on the tension and slowly leaves. A small smile appears on his face.

"I just thought he should know, he could see the perfect couple isn't so perfect"

"Why do you have to ruin everything" Tears threaten but I don't let them fall, I will not cry for him.

"Come on Kris you're miserable with him. You just want to hide your feelings for me" He steps closer but I step back.

"I have no feelings for you Harry" I don't even convince myself. "Look I liked sex with you but that's it! You could never handle a actual relationship you'll never be mature enough" Not that I had any right to judge he'll look at my life.

"I'm not mature?! I live by myself because my family wants nothing to do with me! They are afraid of me! Do you know what it's like to see the fear in your families eyes when you go to them! You don't know shit! You're just a party girl with serious issues" He screams

"YES! Issues because my daddy liked to come into my room at night and-" I stop myself. I'm shaking and tears have fallen. His face falls.


"NO" I cut him off "I don't want your pity"

I can't stop shaking or crying and when he steps towards me I don't even have the energy to stop him. His strong arms engulf me as I sob. I don't need him, and I don't want him. My vision blurs as the memories start to flash. No. I don't want to relive it.

"Kris!" He lifts my head to look at him. I can't breathe. I grip his arms as I struggle to breathe.

"Kris your having a episode come out of it"

I feel like I'm drowning but there's no water. My eyes dart everywhere out of panic. I want to scream 'HELP' but I can't manage words. His hands cup my face and our eyes meet. He crashes my shaking body to him so my movements are limited.

"Breathe." He instructs



And I do.

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