Too Much

86 4 3

I Just Want To Have fun

My mother isn't home when I return, I decide to make myself something to eat. I pop in a frozen pizza and head upstairs. I shower and wash my face while it's cooking. Once I'm clean and changed I head downstairs. It's almost done when Perrie calls

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey, you busy" She ask. I can hear music on the Backround and cars

"No why" I ask

"Well I thought I'd swing by, text me your address"

With that she hangs up. I laugh to myself and text my address to her. As I take the pizza out she walks in

"Anybody home" She calls

"In here" I call back and she rounds the corner to the kitchen "You know there is a thing called knocking" I tease her

"Knocking is so overrated" she says in a teenage drama queen voice. We both laugh before she starts again

"So about what happened earlier"

I had almost forgotten earlier, it seemed like forever ago

"What about it?" I ask cutting my slice

"I wanted to apologize things got really out of hand"

"It's fine" I tell her sending her a small smile

"I also wanted to talk about you and Harry showing up together, I thought you guys hated each other" She grabs a slice for herself

"Well we kind of made an arrangement" I tell her. I'm not sure if I want to tell Perrie about Harry and I but she seems to be the closest thing to a friend I have

"We are friends with benefits" I blurt out "We had sex"

She drops her pizza on the counter and states at me, for a second I think she's going to tell at me but she breaks out into a smile and then laughter

"Get.It.Girl" She says reaching over to give me a high five, I giggle before returning the hand gesture

"I was totally not expecting that" she says picking her pizza back up

"So what are the rules in this arrangement?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at me

"There aren't really rules, we just decided that whenever we want to we can have sex with each other, no strings attached" I explain

"Oh honey you're going to need some rules"

We chat about other things like how Zayn has been acting weird and El might be moving, just regar gossip until she jumps

"Oh I totally forgot to invite you to the races this weekend" She exclaims

I give her a questioning look "Races?" I ask

"Yeah Zayn and Harry are practically race gods, it's really hot"

I imagine Harry speeding down the highway, his hair flowing and that smirk he does, god he's sexy.

"Hello?" Perrie snaps me out of my daydream

"Sorry what?" I ask blushing, she sends me a smirk

"I said just tell your mum you're staying at my place this weekend, the races are super confidential, you know with it being illegal and all, actually I'll just pick you up from school tomorrow with your stuff so we don't have to come here after ok?" She rambled. I nodded.

"Well I have to go but I'll see you in the morning" As she was walking out she turned "Oh and you look really good natural you should wear it more often"

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