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I want you to stay

Sunday morning is quiet, no one knows what to say and we all sit at the table eating our breakfast silently.

"So how was your date Kris?" El asks breaking the silence, everyone glances up at us, I had almost forgotten about Jackson's and I's date thanks to Harry.

"It went well El, thanks for asking"

Harry gets up without excusing himself and walks out back for a smoke, I try not to roll my eyes

"You know we were thinking last night that maybe you and Mr.Carter aren't such a good idea" El continues, everyone including me looks at her.

"El" Louis warns

"Jackson and I aren't any of you guys business" I snap

"We know we just don't think a teacher/student relationship is appropriate and us knowing about kinda puts us in a awkward position" Perrie explains

"Well then pretend you don't know" I tell her placing my fork down

"Look princess we don't want the relationship to continue it's dumb and gross" Carly voices her unwanted oppinion

"You guys can't be serious" I exclaim

"We are Kris" Perrie puts a hand on my shoulder "We are just looking out for you and of this relationship continues then.." she trails off not looking me in the eye

"Wow well I'm glad I have such great friends" I spit sarcastically leaving and going upstairs. I pack all my stuff and call Jackson

"Hello" He answers

"Hey um can you give me a ride home?"

Jackson picks me up and I leave without a word to anyone, if they were my real friends they would want me to be happy, I don't judge that they smoke or drink I accept them for who they are, I don't see why they can't do the same. god I'm so emotional, my period must be coming.

"Thanks for picking me up"

"No problem" He answers smiling at me "Are you sure you want to go home?"

"Yeah don't worry my mom and Daniel are at church getting their Jesus on"

He smiles and shortly after pulls into my driveway

"Nice place" He whistles

"Yeah Daniels got money" I shrug

"Well I will see you tomorrow Ms.Black"

"Of course Mr.Carter"

I lean over and kiss him before getting out. I decide to have a me day. I pop in 17 again and paint my nails, I decide to do a mask and wash my hair, when my mom comes home I'm wrapped in a bath robe with gunk on my face

"Kristina your home!" She comes and hugs me

"You look nice" I compliment her "How was The Lord?"

"Thank you and he's good" She smiles "What are you watching?"

"17 again"

"Oo I love this movie"

My mom sits through it and a horror flick with me, it's nice just being here with her, it feels different these days, I was always use to us only having each other but now she has Daniel.

"Well I'm going to start dinner, what would you like?" She asks standing up

"Spaghetti?" I ask and she smiles

"Coming right up"

Dinner is boring and I go to sleep earlier than usual.

I wear black shorts with a black silk top and flip flops to school, I decide to leave my hair down in soft waves. I walk past the gang and head to my locker ignoring my name being called, I take note that Harry isn't with them. I unlock my locker and throw my bag in.

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