Terrible Love

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It's a terrible love

It isn't much of a party it's four teenager staring at each other wondering who should speak.

"So there's a race on Saturday anyone up for it?" Perrie asks breaking the silence.

"You know I'll be there" Harry mumbles

"You want to go?" Liam asks me. I don't know if he still wants to go to homecoming but I shrug.

"Sure" I answer. The race had been fun but that was when Harry and I were high off each other's presence.

Friday comes quick and I don't bother going to school. I've stayed home everyday getting visits from multiple people from the clique. Not Harry though. I wonder if he's back to Carly, I push those thoughts from my head. I hate him and crave him at the same time, but I won't share. Not with her.

After school Perrie stops by with a box and practically shoves it in my hands.

"Try it on" She encourages. I open it to reveal a black dress, it isn't long but it's elegant. One sleeve is a beautiful lace design and it comes to my knees.

"You look hot" She compliments. I smile.

"So that's for Homecoming but you can just wear it to the race" She tells me

"You're going to homecoming?" I ask her slipping off the dress.

"Yeah El and I decided to go"

I frown when she doesn't mention if Harry is going but I'm definitely not going to ask.

My mom lets me go over to Perrie's and I'm not shocked the gang is there. I sit next to Liam and he casually puts his arm around me. I can feel Harry's glare from his spot on the floor next to Carly.
"You nervous for the race tomorrow Harry?" El asks
"No I've beat him before" Harry shrugs
"Yeah but I mean who drives 3 hours to lose?" She probes
"Apparently Wes." He responds
"There's a lot of money riding on this" Zayn speaks up.
"Who the hell cares I said I beat him before and I'll beat him again" Harry grumbles and gets up, everyone stares as he walks out the house to the backyard.
"Who's Wes?" I ask
"Old rivalry something went down with them a couple years ago Harry doesn't speak of it"

I'm instantly curious I stand up and follow Harry out back.
"Harry" I call. He turns around to face me expressionless.
"What do you want"
I ignore the fact he's so cruel.
"I just came to check on you. Obviously this race has you worked up but-"
"You don't know what the fuck you're talking to about just shut up and drop it!"
I am shocked and angry at his outburst but I don't feel like arguing, I turn around and walk back inside.
" Kris-" He sighs
I slam the door before he could say anything.

The rest of the night goes by smoothly. We watch movies and eat pasta, Harry has left and I try not to roll my eyes when Carly decides to leave too.

I awake to shouting. I fix my appearance then go downstairs to see what's going on. As I get to the bottom of the stairs I see Perrie yelling at a women.

"YOURE NEVER HERE!" She screams tears brimming in her eyes

"THATS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR YOU TO TRASH OUR HOUSE WITH PARTIES" The woman screams back. I realize it's her mom, the resemblance is undeniable.

I go back upstairs not wanting to intrude. I shower and brush my teeth. I slip on some of Perrie's clothes even though they are a little big. I'm about to blow dry my hair when my phone vibrates. It's Harry. I hit ignore and sigh. What was his problem?

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