Born To Die

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Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry

"I'll take you" Liam offers, I look at Harry but he's typing on his phone.

"Uh sure" I tell him. I wave goodbye to the group and roll my eyes at Carly.

"What is her problem!" I exclaim once I'm in Liam's car.

"That's just Carly, she likes to pick fights and it doesn't help you came in with Harry" he tells me pulling out of the driveway

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him

"Nothing it's just her and Harry used to date and she never got over him"

My mouth drops open "Harry dated her? I didn't see them as the dating type"

"Well this was 2 years ago, Harry's changed"

"Everybody changes" I defend

"Yeah but not everybody changes for the good"

Liam and I don't speak after that, I nod my head along to Maroon 5 on the radio, we past the school and I realize my car is still there.

"Liam my car is still at school!" I blurt out and he makes a quick U-Turn. I point out my car and he pulls up to it

"Thanks for the ride" I tell him and lean over to kiss his cheek

"Anytime" he tells me sending a friendly smile. I smile back and get out. I'm about to get in my car when Liam rolls his window down and asks

"Do you want to catch a movie sometime" "As friends of course" he adds. I smile at him

"Yeah sure".

Once I get home I mentally prepare myself for the storm that is my mother.

"Kristina" She greets

"Mother" I snap back

"How was school?" She asks


"Kris, are you okay? I know with the move and everything it's been hard but I want to make sure you are all right" She walks over to me and hugs me, I stand still and she wraps her arms around me and strokes my hair.

"I'm fine" I tell her

"Okay" She steps back wiping her eyes, god she's dramatic "So I was thinking this Sunday we could go to church"

I burst out laughing. We aren't church people

"Why the hell would we do that" I ask her and she scolds me

"Well today I met a church lady and we started talking and she said her daughter used to be a lot like you but when they started going to church everything changed. Church is the best therapy" She tells me

"I don't even believe in god so no thanks" I try to move past her but she blocks my entrance

"Kris-" she starts but I cut her off

"No! I'm not going to go to some place where they tell me how to live my life and accuse me of being some sort of devil child that needs to be fixed" I yell. I don't give her a chance to respond. I turn around and walk out the front door to my car. I can hear her yelling for me to come back but I get in and drive. I drive until I find a bar. I walk inside, it's not too bad and it's almost empty

"A shot of Tequila please" I ask the bartender

"You got I.D" he asks and I pull out my fake one

"I'm still getting carded, don't tell me I still look 16" I joke with him he hands me back my I.D

"Sorry" He apologizes

"No it's fine I guess it's not a bad thing, at least I still have my youth"

I'm playing the role so well I want to pat myself on the back.

When he brings me my shots I chug em quick. The familiar burn sizzles at the back of my throat and my stomach immediately feels warm. I order another round before a man takes a seat next to me.

"Shots by yourself now that's depressing" he tells me

"Would you care to join me?" I ask sending a flirtatious smile. He's sexy, really sexy

"How can I say no"

3 rounds of shots later I can't stop laughing

"I can't believe it's not even 7 o'clock, who gets drunk this early" He asks

"Me" I tell him

"Bad day?"

"Not the best"

"I feel you, I start my new job tomorrow and I don't even know if-" I kiss him to shut him up. He kisses back, he's a good kisser. My thoughts are foggy but before I know it we are in the back of his car tearing each other's clothes off. I'm not thinking just doing and soon I'm naked and exhausted laying across his bare chest.

"I don't normally do this" he tells me "do you?"

"No" I lie.

I give him my number and we realize we don't even know each other's name.

"Kristina" I tell him

"Jackson" I nod and start to dress myself

"Good luck at your new job" I tell him getting out.

"Thanks, I'll call you"

I nod and walk to my car, the sex really sobered me up. I wave goodbye as he pulls out of the parking lot. I put my hands on the wheel and try to breathe. I don't realize I'm crying until a teardrop hits my arm. Then I'm bawling, like a little bitch. I try to let go of the stress of the days event and let myself cry it out. It's been one hell of a week so far.

We were born to die

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