Terrible Love Pt. 2

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Harry's POV

It takes an ocean not to break

I hate her, she's too much and not enough at the same time. She makes my blood boil and I hate that she has the control over me that she does. It's early or maybe it's late. I take another shot and beckon for the bartender to keep them coming. I've already had more than I should but I don't care. After Perrie's I fucked Carly then left. I don't know why I keep her around maybe it's just to spite Kris. The chimes above the bar door ring and I look to see who'd entered. It's Fucking Mr.Carter. I'm out of my seat before I can even register what I'm doing and before I know it I'm seeing red.

Kris POV

I groan as my phone starts to buzz again.
"Hello" I snap
"Hi I'm the bartender at Rich's bar I have you're friend Harry he got into a bar fight messed up the guy pretty bad I don't want to get the police and neither does the other guy-"

"CAUSE HE WILL FUCKING GO TO JAIL" I hear Harry scream in the back.

"He's pretty wrecked do you think you could come get him"

I'm speechless as I try to comprehend. Harry is hurt. Is all my mind is screaming at me.

"I'll be there in 5"

I don't give Perrie a explanation or even greet her mother as I rush out. I grab her keys and go.

I try to stay calm as I'm driving but I can't. My breathing is erratic and my body is shaking. When I get there there is a man standing outside holding his nose. I get out and run to the door but I freeze when I see who the man is. It's Jackson.
"Kristina" He says his voice emotionless. His face is red and black u can see it swelling, his lip is cut and his shirt is ripped,

I want to hit him or scream or cry but I shove past him and continue to look for Harry. I spot him and I run to him. I don't care that he's a total asshole I hug him. I hug him because I know he only hurt Jackson because Jackson hurt me.

"I know you're mad but-"

"Thank you" I interrupt.

He pulls back and looks at me confused.
"I've been acting like it's okay, what he did but it wasn't and you-you helped me and he got what he deserved" I tell him.

"He hurt you" He mumbles, even though his breath is thick with alcohol I know he's a little sobered up. He runs his fingers down my cheek.

"Come on let's get you home" I tell him.

The only injury Harry had was his knuckles and when we get to his house I get him some ice. I sit on the couch and run my hands through his hair. I open my mouth to speak but close when I hear his bedroom door open. Harry closes his eyes and sighs.

"I'm sorry" He whispers and I look to see Carly emerging. She's only wearing a sheet and she smirks when she sees me.

"I hope you're not going to attack me again" She smirks.
"No don't worry he's all yours"
I get up and grab Perries car keys.

"Kris-" He calls

"Don't say anything Harry"

When I make it back to Perrie's she's home alone again.

"Is everything okay?" She asks

"Yeah I'm so sorry Harry got into a bar fight" I explain sitting next to her on the couch.

"And he called you? That's sweet" She smiles

"Not exactly"

After I explain everything to Perrie she suggest a movie day. We end up watching most of the Twilight series and eating junk food.
"I would do fuck all the men in this movie" She blurts out stuffing another cheese puff into her mouth.

"Gross" I gasp "Even the dad?" I raise an eyebrow at her

"Even the dad" She laughs

"Not the dad!" I whine laughing along with her.

El comes over to get ready with us and brings the whole MAC store with her.

"Okay let's do this"

• • •

I stare at my reflection. I'm wearing the black dress with wedges, my hair is in spiral curls and I have light make up on. I put on a little more lip gloss before stepping out.

"Aw you look so gorgeous" El coos and Perrie agreed.

"So do you guys" El is wearing a black romper with a gold belt and gold heels. Her hair is tied in a perfect tight ponytail. Her make up is a flawless smokey eye with pink lip gloss. Perrie is wearing a tight purple dress that shows off her figure. Her hair is straightened but pinned back.

"Well off to the races"

I can't help but feel like an overdressed skank, of course the people at the races don't know we are going to homecoming after this. The girls spot the guys immediately but Harry isn't with them. Liam is is all black jeans and a dress shirt.

"You look beautiful" He compliments slipping an arm around me

"Thank you"

We hang around for about 10 minutes when Harry shows up, I smile when I don't see Carly with him.Harry eases out of his car and looks me up and down, he doesn't say anything to me but I can see in the way his eyes darken that he wants me. Good. I want him to know exactly what he can't have.

"Nervous?" Zayn asks as Harry approaches.

"I know I can win I just need one thing" Harry says looking directly at me

"What is it" Zayn asks glancing back and forth between us.

"Ride with me?" Harry asks holding his hand out to me. I can hear gasps from our group and my heart starts racing.


It feels good to say no, after how he has treated me he needed to hear it and I needed to say it.

"What?" The disbelief in his voice makes me want to laugh.

"You treat me like shit and you think that's okay and I don't blame you because I've made it seem like it was but I don't want that Harry. I want to be respected and cherished not just a backseat hookup"

It's quiet around us and in that moment I don't care who's listening.

"You said you didn't want a relationship we were on the same page" He whispers glancing around.

"Not anymore"

I turn to Liam

"Can we go?" I ask him, he nods and takes my hand.

"Kris!" Harry yells after me but I don't turn.

When we make it to Liam's car he turns to face me.

"What you said back there I want to be that for you. Kris I really like you" He admits blushing. Instead of saying anything I lean up and kiss him. The kiss is slow and nice unlike the urgency behind Harry's.

We get fast food and talk in Liam's cat for what feels like forever. When we get to the dance it's already in full swing. I pull him out to the dance floor and grind my hips on him.

"Be my girlfriend"He says pulling me to face him.

"What?" I ask in disbelief

"I want you to be my girlfriend, let me treat you right" His eyes look so sincere I can't say no even though my gut tells me I should.


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