Bed Peace

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We make love, then we fuck,

I hugged the covers against my nude body tighter, I opened my eyes to find an empty bed I could hear Harry's faint voice in the other room. Who was he talking to? I sat up wincing at how sore my body was. That was great sex, maybe even the best. I looked around the room for something to slip on since all my clothes were still in the living room. I got up and slipped an old university sweatshirt, since Harry was way taller than me it went to my knees. I walk out and bumped straight into Harry.

"Where are you going?" He asked amused

"To find you"

"Again? Okay"

"No!" I exclaim "My body can't take any more right now, it's been a while" I confess

We walk back to his bed

"I could give you a massage" He offers ad the thought of Harry's hands massaging all over my body send blush to my cheeks.

"No I'm good, I should go actually" I tell him. I didn't trust myself in his bedroom

"Yeah okay" he responds running a hand through his hair.

"So um look-"We both start, then burst out laughing

"You first" He encourages

"OK, so um this was fun and all but I'm not really looking for a relationship not that I'm accusing you of wanting to be in a relationship I'm just saying that this was just sex" I don't want to look him in the eye, I've said these words before but with Harry its different.

Then Harry starts laughing, a bug loud obnoxious laugh.

"What's funny?" I ask through gritted teeth, of course Harry would be laughing, he's an immature jerk.

"Nothing I just was about to give you the same speech. You're the only girl that has beat me to it" He explains.

I smirk. "Well I'm not like your other girls" I tell him

"Oh trust me I know"

"Damn that was great sex" He sighs laying down next to me

"Amazing sex" I agree. We both sit in silence until Harry props up on his elbows.

"What if we continued to have amazing sex?" He asked looking at me. His green orbs boring into mine.

"What do you mean?" I ask propping up to meet him

"You know, what if we were bed buddies?" He asks

"Bed buddies? You mean like friends with benefits?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him

"Yeah, You know good friends who just have casual sex when one of them wants to" He explains.

I nod "Okay. Bed buddies" I agree putting my hand out for him to shake. But he grabs my arm and swings me on top of him.

"Bed buddies" He agrees smashing his lips to mine. I laugh into his mouth, this would be fun.

After Harry and I shower (Separately) Harry offers to take me to get my car. I hum along to the radio as Harry drives, his phone rings and he picks up.

"Yes?.....where?" I can't make out what the other person is saying but I assume it's one of his boys since he seems so comfortable. Harry tells them to hold and turns to me "Wanna get some food?" He asks and I nod. I'm famished and tired, I need food.

Soon we pull up to a Dairy Queen, Harry's gang is already inside.

"Harry!" They all exclaim when we get to the table as if it's been forever.

"And Kristina!" Perrie exclaims she gives me a confused look and a 'we have to talk' look. I only nod and smile.

Harry and I squeeze into the booth and I notice a girl I've never seen around them sitting between Niall and Liam. She looks me up and down and raises n eyebrow

"Who the fuck is she?" She ask and the table goes silent

"For fucks sake Carly could you watch your fucking language we are in a family friendly Diner"

"Oh bite me" She snaps.

"Been there, done that" He shoots back and everyone at the table laughs except me. I already don't like this girl. Her long brown hair is curled like Elenour's and she has a natural bitch face but I decide to be nice.

"I'm Kristina, I'm new"

She only nods. I roll my eyes at her and decide to focus elsewhere. The table breaks out into conversation and Liam starts telling me about a really bad motorcycle accident he was in.

"...Yeah there was a big chance I wouldn't make it" He went on, he was over exaggerating on purpose and I knew it was to make me laugh

"Oh you poor baby" I laugh

"Yeah, very traumatizing" I laugh again as he puts a hand over his heart.

"Aren't you two the cutest" Carly speaks up jerking her head at Liam and I. the table dies down again.

"Carly drop I" Louis starts but I cut him off.

"Do you have a problem?" I ask her

"Oh no I was just pointing out how adorable you too are, no harm in that" She smirks sipping her drink

"Whatever" I mumble and turn back to Liam.

"Aw look, the Goth princess is being mature, good for her" She teases. And that's it. I whip back around to face her.

"Listen here you little prissy bitch, I didn't do shit to you but obviously you wanna start shit so how about you shut your ugly little mouth before I shut it for you" I warn narrowing my eyes

"Oh really?" She asks rising up

"Really" I tell her, standing too.

"Kristina-"Liam and Harry start but our waiter comes back

"Sorry guys but I'm going to have to ask you two girls to leave, your disrupting the peace here and if this continues we will be forced to call the police"

The group immediately goes into how that won't be necessary but I just grab my stuff.

"It's okay I was just leaving"

then you give me my space

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