That's What You Get

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That's what you get when you let your heart win

Jackson's apartment is nice, it's small cozy, and everything has a place, it just looks so...organized.

"So uh we should talk" He speaks up, I turn to look at him and takes in how good looking he is, not as cute as Harry though, my conscious yells at me, I wonder what Carly and him are doing, they are totally fucking, ugh I need to stop.

"Uh yeah" I finally answer "Look Jackson I want to apologize, when we met at the bar I never thought in a million years you would be my teacher"

"Well I never thought in a million years you were 16!" He exclaims

"17" I correct

"Still it's wrong..just wrong" He shudders

"You weren't saying that in the back of your car!" I defend myself feeling insulted

"No because I thought you were of age!"

We stand there starring at each other, both of us breathing loudly, clearly frustrated

"If your going to tell at me all night I'm leaving" I tell him making a gesture to leave

"No" He grabs my arm spinning me "I want you here"

I stare into his eyes, he wants me here?

"We should eat" I whisper

"Yeah but first" Then his lips are on mine, but it's not hungry and desperate like Harry's it's slow and sensual. He gently cups my face and deepens the kiss.

"This is wrong" He whispers once the kiss is over

"I know" I whisper back

"Let's eat" He pecks my lips and leads me to the kitchen, god these mood swings are going to give me a headache.

The night goes smoothly and we don't speak of him being my teacher or me being under age. I find out he has a older sister and his mom died when he was young, when he was younger he wanted to be a doctor but gave up when he realized how hard it was.

"So what do you want to be?" He asks sipping his wine

"I don't know" I answer truthfully "I ways avoid actually making plans and taking responsibility"

"Oh come on, I'm serious, I want to know more about you Kristina" I blush under his gaze, everything about him is so intense.

"I want to draw or write" I admit "I had a rough upbringing and I've seen a lot of dark shit so I think I'd be good at it"

Hearing me say the words out loud shock myself, I've never said them aloud.

"Wow, well I'm sure you'll be great at whatever you do"

I toss my head back laughing as Jackson tells me a story.

"I'm serious! it was the worst Halloween ever!" He exclaims

"Oh my god that story was hilarious" He opens his mouth to speak but my ringtone erupts. I look at the caller I.D and hit accept.

"Perrie? What's up?" I ask

"Look I hate to bother you but it's Harry, he's drunk like really drunk and when he gets like this he gets angry and he hasn't done it in a while but I just don't know what to do so can you come help!" She rambles, I immediately stand to my feet

"Yeah of course I'll be there soon"

With that I hang up and turn to Jackson

"Your leaving?" He asks standing up too

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