Off to the races

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And I'm off to the races

Cases of Bacardi chasers

Chasing me all over town

Cause he knows I'm wasted,

Facing time again at Rikers Island

And I won't get out

Because I'm crazy, baby

I need you to come here and save me

I'm your little scarlet, starlet

Singing in the garden

Kiss me on my open mouth

The races are like one big party, the gang is well known here and Harry seems really relaxed. He's holding a can of beer with his other arm draped over some hoe. He's laughing a lot and he looks so hot I have to keep reminding myself not to stare.

"Want a drink?" A guy asks holding out a red cup to me. he's wearing blue jeans and a grey shirt, he has dirty blonde hair with light blue eyes,he's cute just not my type.

"No thanks" I know better than to take drinks from cute strangers

"Aw come on, I saw you come in with Harry's crew and they party pretty wild I'm sure you can take a drink" He insist.

"She said no Cory back off" I turn to see Harry behind me, he's starring Cory down but he's not mad he almost looks amused

"Aw come on man I was just offering your sexy friend a drink" Cory winks at Harry but Harry doesn't smile or wink back he throws his arms over my shoulder and starts backing away.

"Sorry man and besides she's into older guys" Harry shouts as we walk away. I glare at him but he doesn't look down at me. He leads me over to where El and Louis are sitting

"Are we good?" Harry asks Louis in a serious tone

"Oh we are good" Louis smirks and hands Harry a pair of keys, with that Harry walks off leaving me as a third wheel, an awkward silence falls over us and I excuse myself to give them some privacy. Music is booming and by the stereos there are people placing bets

"Harry's got this one in the bag, do you really think he's going to loose his undefeated title to Cory?!" I realize the voice is Carly, she's in the center of the bidding collecting money. Harry and Cory are racing? Harry's undefeated? It makes me wonder how little I know about him.

Once the races are about to start everyone gathers around the two cars, both drivers are getting pumped up by their friends and fans. Louis is in Harry's face hyping him up and I can't stop laughing. I watch confused as Harry brushes past him and walks to over to me.

"Ride with me" He tells me holding out his hand

"What?! No I cant" I tell him

"Come on just ride with me" his eyes bore into mine and I find myself speechless.

"For Christ sake! I'll ride with you Harry" Carly chirps up both of us turning to look at her

"No it's Kris or nobody else" He tells her making my stomach leap, the crowd is telling Harry to hurry up and he turns to me again.

"What do you say?"

I nod and take his hand and his face breaks out into a big grin.

"Looks like Harry's bringing a special someone with him on this race!" The announcer shouts through the mic, my cheeks heat up as Harry opens my door and I slide in. It's a sexy car, all black and sleek. Harry shuts my door and walks back winking at the announcer

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