The Love Club

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Im in a clique but i want out// It's time the kid got free

Perrie was actually really cool, we weren't that much alike but she was funny and really reminded me of this girl i used to know named Stacy. Perrie and i had the next class together and we got to know each other better. She's dating a guy named Zayn and she showed  me a picture of them, they were cute and i had a feeling i had seen him somewhere before but i couldn't put my finger on it.

My third class had Harry in it but he sat in the back with a pissed off look on his face. Once class was dismissed He was the first one up and out.

Harry's POV

It was lunch time finally and i spotted Kristina. She was sitting alone listening to music.

"Hey El do me a favor?" i asked looking at Eleanor, Louis and her were sitting cuddled up with his arm around her

"Sure" She responded smiling at me, she was always so happt it made me nasuis

"You see that girl over there sitting alone" i pointed to Kristina "Go make friends and invite her to the house party this Friday" i toldher, she gave me a questioning look

"You want me to go over there..alone?" She asked. What the heck? Was she scared of Kristin

"Well i would send you and Perrie but Zayn and Perrie aren't here" I told her in a 'duh' tone. With a sigh she got up and walked over to Kristina. Well this should be interesting.

Kristina POV

I picked at the disgusting food on the plate, who eats this shit. i almost didn't notice a curly haired brunette sitting down across from me. i raised an eye brow at her, she had been sitting with Harry and his crew and if she was anything like him we were gonna have a problem. only she didn't look like Harry, she seemed..nice.

"Hi I'm Eleanour" She greets smiling

"Kristina" i respond with a bored tone"

"So your new?" She asks pretending to be interested

"Yes, what do you want?" i ask, she was weird and starting to annoy me

"Just making conversation, I know what its like to be the new girl, having no friends-"

"I don't need friends" i assure her cutting her off and hats true. i don't NEED anybody. Im capable of finding fun on  my own.

"Everybody needs friends" She fires back in a 'duh' tone

"Not me"

"Well do you like parties? Or are you a full loner?" She asks and it actually makes me smile.

"I love parties" I tell her but before she can respond Perrie sits down next to her

"Hey Kristina, Hi El" She greets. and i wonder how she knows Eleanor

"Wait you know her?" El asked looking at Perrie

"Yeah we got some classes together, she's cool " She tells El and I smile at her as a silent thank you.

"Well I'm inviting her to our party Friday" El explain

"Oh you should come, the parties there are always crazy, Harry never disappoints" She tells me and i quirk an eyebrow

"So this is Harry's party?" I ask and both of them nod. Even though im not very fond of Harry i never turn down a party

"Okay" i agree earning smiles from them

"Yay" Perrie cheers and i smile

The rest of the day was actually pretty boring, I met a few people, no one really worth reaching out to or remembering and I was glad once the day was over.

I was about to head when I heard Perrie yelling my name


I whipped around to the out of breath girl, trying to hide my amusement. Her hair was in her face and her cheeks were flushed

“Damn are you deaf? I’ve been calling you”

“Sorry I just heard you” I confess

“Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place, I’m having a little get together just a hangout you know.” She explained

“Yeah sure” Anything to delay me having to go home to my mom and her sugar daddy.

I follow Perrie to her house in my car and I’m surprised everyone is there before us.

“Zayn has a key” She explains, opening the front door and walking in. Perrie’s house is big, not as big as mine but still huge. Her home has a very modern look ti it, its really nice.

“Well well well our dearest friend Kristina decided to grace us with her presence” I roll my eyes at Harry’s greating

“Whatever Harold” That shuts him up and I get a laugh from the group. Perrie goes and sits next to Zayn who I now realize I did see before. With Harry. I have two options share a love seat with el and her guy or the floor next to Harry

“You can sit here love” Harry speaks up patting the floor next to him, I sigh but take a seat

“Couldn’t resist huh?” He whispers sending shivers down my back

“Shut up” I Whisper back

“Hey where’s Liam and Niall?” The guy El is cuddled up with speaks up

“They went to get food” Perrie answers

“So Perrie are you going to introduce your friend?” Zayn asks giving her a funny look I can’t quite read. She opens her mouth but Harry beats her to it

“This is Kristina Black, she just moved here, she loves parties and her mother is hoping this place will knock some sense into her, even though I like her the way she is” He says winking at

“How do you k-“

“Connections” He cuts me off. I don’t know whether to be creped out or flattered. The whole group seems as surprised as me but the silence is broken when two boys burst into the room


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