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 I hear a bang. Once, twice, thrice. My eyes jolt up and I get out of bed right away. They don't stop eyeing the door but stay quiet. I wondered who knock. Certainly not Ha-Joon, but maybe he is.

I keep standing in one place and breathing deeply. Then as I think the person had left, the door opens and so does my mouth. The small gasp quickly evaporates when the door closes and the person walks it.


Her voice, the voice that I haven't heard in so long. She smiles as she goes further inside the room. Ready to hug me as I just stand there, but she back off understanding.

God, she still respects my fears.

How can someone not like her?

"H-How are you?"

Pulling me away from my thoughts, I look up at her before sitting on the bed, she following. It takes me a minute to process the moment that she is here. I am not imagining. It isn't some stupid dream.

She is sitting right in front of me, in my—his room. A sudden rush of happiness runs through me, it makes me feel safe like never before.

"F-Fine." I utter. "How did you get here?" She blinks a few times. Did I make her uncomfortable?

"Y-You can tell m-me." I encourage her. Maybe something is wrong. I can see it on her face. Is she scared? But scared of what?

"It's o-okay."

She nods and sighs. She wants to change the subject I can say. That reminded me of us when we were back in the mental hospital. Talking, the interesting was that I was the only speaker and her - the listener. Not once did we change roles, even though I guess we should have. That would have made her more open to me. Or at least to not feel this much uncomfortable. She is behaving like the first time we saw each other. So tense, too worried, the list can go on.

What happened to her?

"Well..." I open my mouth and a word comes out of it, a word which I don't know how to finish the sentence with. I try again. "I m-mean, do you want to do something?"

The question is unexpected not only by her but to me too. I don't know how I come up with this. But decide to keep talking about it because I don't want to sit in awkward silence. It's enough awkward when I'm alone with someone in the house.

No one likes this feeling even though some people deserve it.

"Okay. M-Maybe going to the yard?"


In the short time, we walk through the house, I am worried if anyone can see us or had already will thinks we are going to run. We aren't running though, we are going in the yard to get some fresh air, and me needing to get her to talk.

When the sun kisses our skin we walk a little bit more and sit on the chairs. Small parts of the sunlight drop on us and the things around us.

This time the silence is comfortable. None of us talking, the birds larking. Sometimes hearing the wind getting stronger and hitting the trees which are located down the hill. I have only one thing in my mind at this moment; peace. It is so peaceful.

I think I should raise the question about how she got here but I don't want to make anyone sad. She is here, not away from me, and only that matters.

"So, how are you with Jeon-Hyun?"

Instead, another question is asked. And yet again it makes her feel uncomfortable.

Maybe I should just shut my stupid mouth.

"We a-are okay. Why are y-you asking me this?" I blink, confused, then it hit me. She thinks I was thinking something is off. Before I can explain—try to explain what I meant she opens her mouth, counting herself quickly. "We had always been... fine. I m-mean we are both okay."

I smile at her but I don't trust what she said. Any other person can see that the smile isn't real. But, most of them, like me, decide to ignore the 'red flags' just because they wouldn't be called annoying or too curious...

I sigh as I make myself more comfortable on the wooden chair. My thoughts go somewhere else when I look around to see the landscape. Most of it is green. It is beautiful, beautifully made by nature, and untouched by humans.

Humans can be terrible. So cruel and so desperate to hurt someone just so they won't feel hurt themselves. How can be they like this? What in the world has made them feel the need to hurt another human being or animals..., the list can go on.

Giga's voice brings me away from my in-depth thinking. Her gasp is actually. I turn to see her.

"They a-are running towards u-us?"

The sentence is more like a question. I whirl my head to my left side and sees them. Jeon-Hyun and Ha-Joon running like crazy towards the place where we are sitting.

"I g-guess they a-are?" I say, more like confirm, not sure of what I'm seeing or how to react. When they finally get to us, Giga gets up abruptly. I stay in the same place looking around not knowing what is going on, I ask.

"Why b-both of you a-are running?"

"What the fuck!" Jeon-Hyun almost screams. That made Giga flinch, even me, I succeed at covering it. Ha-Joon doesn't say anything and just keeps gazing at me up and down.

Was he worried?

Is there something to be worried about?

In a few seconds, he is standing right in front of me, too much for my like, and then  see Jeon-Hyun pulling Giga away from us. He inquires.

"What were you thinking, Dea?"

I am not a child, I want to shout this at him. He treats me like one. Scolding me like I had done something bad when in fact I did nothing.


He comes closer and tugs me to his torso by the collar on my blouse. Placing his arms all over my body, he sighs.

"Something would've happened to you, you know that?"

I clench my jaw, refusing to answer. I know if something happens to me while I'm outside can be risky especially if there's no one around but when I'm alone with him is riskier.

He keeps hugging me for what felt a minute, then pulls away. Grabbing my biceps and forcefully yank me to him. We start walking back to the house. Now I know I'm fùcked up.

edited <3

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