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I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the ceiling, more precisely the window filled with small droplets of rain. It had been raining. Cool. I look around the room as I sit up on the bed. It is dark, pretty dark but I can see that there is a thick fog almost covering the surroundings. Out the lights display as blur circles of the window. It is beautiful.

I decide to get up and stretch my muscles. I've been in an awkward position for too long. As soon as my foot touches the floor, my eyes caught something on the desk. I walk straight to it, quickly snatching it. It is black and looks more like a mini notebook. This is weird. Since my 14th birthday, I became interested in literature, any kind of literature. First starting as describing my relationship, then writing poems about the guy I broke two years ago just because of my insecurities. Staying all night to write not only about him but about my ex-best friend as well and other things.

But I'm sure Ha-Joon doesn't know this. He shouldn't. That is something personal for me. I take a deep breath, finding out my heart started beating too fast. I put back the stuff on the desk and head toward to bathroom.

I should take a quick shower. Probably is gonna make me feel good.


The poor girl again was interrupted from the air by her 'boyfriend'. She felt the tightening of her throat and a short intake of breath. She tried to avoid the water going inside her nose and mouth as she closed her jaws. It was hard. When the mind is paralyzed by fear the body follows too. You can't do anything.

She heard him murmuring something then she was out of the bathtub. The slim body was wracked with an onslaught of gasps, coughs, sobs.

"C'mon babe, deep breaths. Inhale and exhale."

Lips curling into a grin, he mumbled softly in her that is covered with hair. He did not bother to remove it, he knew it's was going to go back there. He wasn't going to stop soon.

In seconds her head was underwater again for the fourth time. Her screams were muted. Jeong-Hyun clenched his ha and, tightened his grip on the back of her neck, closing his eyes.

He pulled her out of it and bring her face to his. Their noses touching. "Why can't you do what I say. Is it that hard?" He didn't wait for an answer even though she jerked her head, he put Giga back in. Weekly tried to push herself out with her hands and arms, it did not work. Sighing tiredly, the young man knew he should stop but didn't. She was getting on his nerves too often.

He thought he should give all his attention to his lady that appears to irritate him very often...


We had already taken our seats in the living room. Ha-Joon in front of me on some wooden chair that looks uncomfortable and difficult to sit still on, and me crouching on the couch. Legs tucking up to my chest and my hands wrap around them. In front of us is a small table without anything above except two bottles of glasses. Mine has a bit of more.

We are alone, kinda isolated in the big house away from the other houses and people. Far, far, far away. The rest decided to go to the park, they haven't go outside for a long time. Even though it's around 11 p.m. I have a feeling they won't come back home likely soon. Since what happened yesterday, or, everything that had ever happened to me, I'm in...strange state. My mind and body sort of look like they had already given up. Too tired to think what can happen now, me alone with a boy isn't helping either, I decided to take a sip.

I gulp down the liquid, it tastes weird but for someone who doesn't like to drink and knows that can quickly get drunk and have no control over their body, it is normal. I place the bottle of glass on the table and look straight ahead of me. Ha-Joon seems like he hasn't averted his gaze.

"You can drink more if you want to. I'm not gonna stop you."

But you can force me to drink more.


I shook my head, already feeling like something is about to happen. I gaze down at my covered legs. Seeing myself with a small gap between them makes me better because I had finally reached my goal-just a bit more space between-but then I remember I'm not in a territory that even has a minute to feel good.

The only thing I must not feel is good or even somewhere near well.

"Did you rest today?" He takes a sip of his wine, a big one. Gulping down the liquid he asks another question. "Let's talk."

I bring back my face to him. "A-About what?" I answer too fast, almost as if I am interested in what he is telling.

"Anything. What do you want to talk about?"

I look down again, suddenly feeling unusual, odd. I haven't heard this sentence in a long time. Even with Giga. They always start to talk about their day, what had happened at work, or with what shìt they dealing with at the moment. And then some of them might ask you about your day, or what happened at work, or with what shìt you're dealing with at the moment-the same things they started talking about when no one had asked them.

I hear his steps and soon my eyes see his foot.

"Wanna drink more? Hmm?"

I clasp the glass again and swallow the last gulp. It burns my throat but it feels nice. Ha-Joon sense that this is not enough for me so he completely up to the top of the cup. I grab it and liquor up it, just in a few seconds.

It is too hot here.

It burns my throat deep down too much.

I'm gonna throw up, no, more like passing out.

I just notice there's a small sip left, or I think like this, I don't see very well all of a sudden, but I feel him grabbing the back of my neck and pressing the cup on my mouth. I open my lips and drink it gradually.

"Yes flower, just a little bit more."

I can see a smile on his face, a sweet small smile. It is very cute. On dimple on his left cheek, I didn't know he had. Then after observing him for a while I feel the soft divan under me and Ha-Joon's front slightly nudge into mine.

And suddenly my torso feels hot and my mind not so drunk.

edited <3

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