Chapter 25

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   Amy sat in math. She loved school. Every subject accept math. Math was more of Dan's thing. Amy looked out the door. Everything was like usual, maybe a little quiet. No one had passed the door in more than 5 minutes. All of a sudden someone burst through the door, and pointed a dart gun at Amy.

   She grabbed her notebook and the dart caught it. Green liquid dripped from it. Amy grabbed the mini gun Sinead had made her, just in case. Why she still had it in her purse was a pure miracle. She shot the man in the shoulder. The man fainted and Amy put on a sudden burst of speed. Amy didn't dare turn around as she pulled the small gas bomb out of her backpack that causes an amnesia-type effect.

   Amy pulled out her phone and called Dan. She heard the phone beep and Dan did his normal greeting. "Dan, someone just burst in my math class and threatened me. I shot him with that mini gun and he's unconscious. Wait? Why did you answer? You should be in the middle of class! We will talk about this later. GET OUT OF THERE!" She yelled in one breath.

   Dan stood up from the back of school. He was in class, not that Amy would believe him. They were doing an outside observation for science. Dan didn't listen to what they were doing so he just walked away and planned to sit behind the school until next bell.

   "Already runnin'" He said in the phone and took off running for their usual meeting place. A coffee shop between the middle and high school. They met each other there every day after school. Dan made it there within 5 minutes. Amy was half a block there by time he got there.

   "What is all this about?" Dan asked. "Did you call everyone?"

   "I called Ian, Natalie, Nellie, Fiske, you, and I'm debating about the other clue hunters." Amy informed him.

   "Call them all. But, first, we gotta suit up. We've got someone trying to kill us, best carry around some kind of weapon or armor." Dan said. The place was abandoned accept for a few people grabbing a quick coffee.

   "Nellie is coming to pick us up and Fiske is starting up the CCC. I'll convince Jonah and the Starlings to hop on a plane to Boston. You call everyone else, 'kay?" Amy said. She walked a few feet away to call them.

   "Kay, got it." Dan replied, opening his phone. He pressed CONTACTS then Hamilton Holt.

   "Hey, Danny! Waz up li'l man." Hamilton greeted.

   "We need some Holt power, get down to Attleboro ASAP. Got it?" Dan ordered.

   "Got it. Be there tomorow." Said Hamilton, sounding a bit more serious.

   "See you then." Dan said, hanging up.

   Dan scrolled up the list of his contacts and clicked on Alistar Oh

   "Daniel, how nice to get a call from you." Alistar said.

   "Al we need you in Attleboro. When can you get here?" Dan said, ignoring Alistar's greeting.

   "Be there tomorrow." Alistar said.

   "The other clue hunters will be there too. See you then." Dan said.

   Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be. Dan thought as Amy walked to him.

   "They will both be here by Tomorrow." Amy said.

   "Great. Ham and Al will be here then too." Dan said.

   Nellie pulled up just as he stopped talking.

   "Get in. Fiske has got HQ almost running. Let's go!" Nellie said popping the locks.

   Let's get this over with....

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