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((I just posted this on my other book just fyi so you don't read it all again but u can still say what you would want me to do again b/c I would count it as another "vote))

Um hey so there's a few different ways the next few months could go for this account. I haven't been getting as many views or comments lately and I know that that's mostly my fault for not updating, but I don't want to write something that only 3 people will ever see and they might not even like it. If we're being honest, most 39 Clues stuff on this site has died so there isn't anyone interested in this stuff anymore. So, like I said, comment below which you would want me to do (they're in order of what I'm most likely to do)

1) I finish Amy and Ian- The Unspoken Truth and leave this account or give it to someone who would like to take it. (This is my default decision)

2) I finish all of my books and then "end" this account. I wouldn't take it down, just log out and maybe get a new one where I just write regular fiction or other types of fanfic. (I'd need about 20 people wanting this option for this one since I'd be finishing like 5 books lol)

3) I give this account and the outlines to these books to someone else who could finish off the rest of these and they could do whatever they would wish to do with this (I would keep it under my email and back up my stories so if they took everything down as some sort of joke I could change the password and put them back) (I would need like 10 votes for this one)

4) I finish all my books, go back and edit them, and keep this account. I also have a few ideas I'm working on for a fic about Dan I got a request for and I kinda wanted to write one that focused more on Sinead. (Minimum of 30 votes on this for this to happen (the person who requested these fics counts as like 5 'votes' since I hate saying that I won't write things for people))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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